Am I ready? You bet I am.
The Olympics are around the corner and Americans have been making their mark for months. From Rapinoe to Berry, the amount of anti-Americanism coming from the same people who are supposed to be representing the United States, at our expense, has been unpatriotic to say the least.
Why do they choose to represent a country they hate so much? Why hasn’t the United States Olympic Committee request an “Oath of Loyalty” from these athletes? Because the United States Olympic Committee supports these actions and these athletes.
Of course, when I say I am ready, I am joking. I would not waste a second of my life watching, or supporting, an ungrateful bunch of people who wants to embarrass our country at the world stage.
I used to think the hate was fueled by the fact Donald Trump was the President of the United States, but I was wrong, these people do hate the United States, period.
Notoriously, Hammer thrower, Gwen Berry, continues to spew nonsense with statements such as this one: “I just don’t respect something that doesn’t stand for all people, especially minorities in America,” said Berry. “I feel like we know the story…Blacks get the worst treatment here. We are not treated as human beings; our lives are not regarded. They’re not precious.”
As a minority in America, I am offended by Ms. Berry’s statements. Obviously, she does not speak for every Black or minority in America. She does not speak for the millions of minorities who have come to the United States escaping oppression or looking for a better life.
She clearly does not speak for me. As a Hispanic, as an American, I can proudly say the United States has been exceptionally good to me. That I have experienced some level of racism? Sure, but unlike Ms. Berry, and many like her, I have never seen myself as a victim. I refused to feed ignorance and chose the path of success instead.
But we may still have a glimmer of hope within the United States Olympic team. The Golf Team is represented by athletes who have publicly shared their love for our country and who have also shared their feelings about the meaning of representing one’s country at the Olympics.
I do not foresee Bryson DeChambeau or the Korda sisters turning themselves away from the United States flag or kneeling during the playing of the anthem.
The Tokyo Olympics organizers have been clear, they will not tolerate such behavior at the Olympic Games, but I am sure some American athletes will take it upon themselves to embarrass our country and they will be compensated for it by outside third parties. Unfortunately, it is inevitable.
Of course, it did not take long for the United States Women’s Soccer Team to embarrass the country. They took a knee while playing against Sweden. But Karma does exist as the kneeling losers took a 3-0 glorious thrashing at the hands of the Swedish team. It made my day.
In all fairness, several members of the team stood up for our National Anthem and for that they have my thanks.
If you wish to spend your time supporting such nonsense, more power to you. Me? I have better things to do with my life, the life this great country has afforded me to live.
God Bless the United States of America!