Is It Time To Drop Zelensky?

The Comedian Lectures America While Getting Free Stuff

A bad comedy act! Photo courtesy of

As Joe Biden continues to fight a proxy war with Russia and uses the puppet in Ukraine to accomplish this futile endeavor, Zelensky is telling Americans that inflation and coronavirus are “nothing” compared to his country’s struggles, and Americans should support aid to Kiev “until we win.”

These were the comedic words of Zelensky during an interview with Piers Morgan, but they were not funny.

We have already spent millions supporting the Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev and continue to deplete our military arsenal for the sake of fighting a fight the United States has no business fighting.

Not only has Zelensky gotten these millions and military equipment, but we have no way to account for the money or the weapons and what has happened to them.

As we continue to fight a recession here at home and inflation rates of 9.1%, Zelensky is suggesting the United States gives him free natural gas, just as we have given him free weapons and ammunition.

Europe’s involvement in this proxy war has forced them to impose gas rationing among the members states and Ukraine is asking the United States for a “gas lend-lease.” Are you wondering how are they going to pay for this lease? Me too.

“The government of Ukraine has decided to apply to the government of the United States of America to provide our state with a ‘gas lend-lease’ for a stable heating season.”

As the United States is trying to compete with Russian prices, while attempting to sell Liquified Natural Gas to Europe, the Ukrainian government is trying to get more freebies from our government.

If you think Zelensky is going to pay for any American LNG imports, think again.

In his interview with Piers Morgan, he continued his lecturing by reminding Americans that the over $56 billion in taxpayers’ money he has received from us, is because both our countries are “fighting for absolutely communal values.”

Say what? The citizens of the United States do not support Neo-Nazism, do not support Kiev’s dismissal of opposition parties, does not support Kiev’s controlled of the media, does not support the indiscriminate bombing of innocent civilians in the Donbass Region…I think you get the idea.

We have nothing in common with the regime in Ukraine and to say otherwise is a fabricated lie.

He went on to say, “The war in Ukraine is still the war against those values that are professed in the United States and in Europe.” “We are giving our lives for your values and the joint security of the world.”

“Therefore, inflation is nothing. Covid is nothing.” “These things are secondary. The most important thing is to survive and preserve your life, your family, and your country. Therefore, at the moment we are doing this job, but the West has to help us.”

I do agree with Zelensky, we need to survive and preserve our lives, our families, and our own country. Here in America, not thousands of miles away and for a cause that has nothing to do with the United States.

The United States is going through some really tough financial, political, and social times, the last thing we need is to continue to be involve in a regional war with no end in sight. As we continue to finance Joe Biden’s proxy war with Russia, the United States continues to dig its own grave.

As a country, we cannot afford to keep sending billions of unaccounted dollars and weapons to Ukraine.

As American citizens keep getting poorer, the Russian economy has flourished under sanctions and the Ruble continues to trounce the dollar. This does not make sense and it needs to stop before we see ourselves in a full-scale world war.

Ukraine is not a democracy, it has, and it will continue to be a corrupt and tyrannical state.

Quotes provided by Piers Morgan.

The 40 Billion Dollar Monstrosity

“The Big Guy” Taking Care of Others at Your Expense

As Americans Suffer………… Photo courtesy of

While Americans continue to struggle, our government find it necessary to give Ukraine $40 billion dollars in wasteful aid to continue to fight America’s proxy war with Russia.

As I have written before, the Ukraine saga is more than meets the eye. Ukraine is not a democracy, is not a republic, and it has very little in common with American values.

Why we continue to feed this monster is beyond me. The only thing I can think of is perhaps, Joe “The Big Guy” Biden owes Zelensky big time, so he is paying him back for taking care of his drug addicted son and his own corruption.

The only problem is that he is doing this at the expense of us, the American people.

As the economy continues to move into a recession, the stock market reaches records never seen since the depression, and gasoline prices expected to reach as much as $6.00 per gallon by the summer, among many other bad things, the Biden administration, with much Republican support, continue to spend like a drunken sailor in foreign affairs that have only created hardship for everyday Americans.

While democrats in congress scream “white supremacy” is the biggest threat to America, they have no problem funding a country which main fighting force is comprise of Neo-Nazis, go figure.

According to Reuters, these are the main takeaways from the bloated legislation.


The legislation includes more than $4 billion in international disaster assistance to respond to humanitarian needs in Ukraine and other affected countries, including the provision of emergency food and shelter.

The legislation also includes $350 million in migration and refugee assistance for the U.S. State Department to assist refugees from Ukraine and support to other countries in Eastern Europe.

The number of people who have fled Ukraine to escape Russia’s invasion has passed 6 million, in Europe’s worst refugee crisis since the end of World War Two, a U.N. refugee agency said on Thursday. read more

Most have crossed to the European Union through border points in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, where volunteers and governments have scrambled to help them find accommodation and provide support.


The package also includes nearly $9 billion for an economic support fund for Ukraine and other countries affected by the conflict, including programs to combat human trafficking and money that can be used to respond to food insecurity.

The funds may be used to provide direct financial support to the government of Ukraine, according to the bill, although cash transfers would be subject to a memorandum of understanding, and certain safeguards and oversight.

The Global Network Against Food Crises, set up by the United Nations and European Union, said in its annual report this month that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – both countries are major food producers – poses serious risks to global food security, especially in vulnerable countries including Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Haiti, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen.


The package includes almost $15 billion for defense operations and maintenance, which includes $6 billion for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative and $8.7 billion to replenish stocks of U.S. equipment sent to Ukraine.

The legislation includes hundreds of millions of dollars for the procurement of missiles, weapons and tracked combat vehicles, ammunition and aircraft, among others.

It also provides $4 billion in Foreign Military Financing to provide support for Ukraine and other countries affected by the crisis, and $100 million for non-proliferation, anti-terrorism, demining and related programs.


The legislation authorizes up to a further $11 billion in Presidential Drawdown Authority, which allows the president to authorize the transfer of articles and services from U.S. stocks without congressional approval in response to an emergency.


The legislation authorizes nearly $200 million for the U.S. State Department’s diplomatic programs to respond to the situation in Ukraine and countries affected by the conflict.

It also authorizes $110 million for embassy security, construction and maintenance.

This is nothing more than wasteful spending on a conflict that provides zero benefit to the American people and only draw us closer to a possible nuclear conflict with Russia.

Remember, as we fight this proxy war with Russia, our so-called European allies continue to leisurely buy Russian oil and gas, so don’t be fooled, we are not in this together. Americans are paying the price for this boondoggle.

Furthermore, this is an attempt by the Biden administration to distract Americans from the realities right here at home. Joe Biden thinks you are that kind of stupid.

Next time you go to the gas station to fill up your vehicle or go to the grocery store buy baby formula, and find none, just remember, “The Big Guy” is taking care of others before taking care of the American people.

Remember this come November, and hold your government officials accountable at the ballot box, otherwise, these charlatans will continue to destroy our country at their leisure.

You Cannot Be Serious

Meanwhile in Germany…

“Sticking it to Putin” The Germans great strategy. Photo courtesy of

Since the beginning of the Ukrainian conflict, I have read lots of nonsense, some funny, some not so funny.

All with the intent of “sticking it to Putin.” No country has produced more asinine ideas than Germany.

First, let us start with the latest suggestion from the German media. Masquerade as a “Skip a shower, improves your skin microbiome,” Germany’s Build newspaper has published an article suggesting Germans should take less showers.

The title of the article, “It’s enough to wash THESE four body parts – Why the skin cleans itself if you let it.” Feel free to laugh as I did because this is nothing more than unscientific nonsense, and after the Covid-19 pandemic, suggesting less personal hygiene shows the lack of seriousness from the part of the German government in combating the virus.

In recent days Germany’s economic minister, Robert Habeck, suggested Germans should cut back on their sauna visits, heating, and showers to help Germany cut back on its dependence on Russian energy. He also suggested to ditch gas operated vehicles for bicycles. I guess that vacation to the Piz Palu became a little bit longer.

He went on to say these sacrifices would make life harder for the Russian government and improve people’s skin. Of course, Bob does not have any concrete evidence these measures would achieve its intended purpose. Like the Germans would say, this is a bunch of “unsinn.”

On a different article, Klaus Mueller, the head of their Utilities ministry, suggested Germans should ask themselves “whether you really need to take a hot shower seven days a week – with gas heating.”

As you all know, Germany completely banned Russian gas and oil imports, and according to Mueller, the accumulated reserves will only last until the end of the summer or early fall.

Folks, this is Germany, not some third world undeveloped country and this is the best they can do to “stick it to Putin.”

As the winter approaches, and Germany has no way to fulfill their energy needs, we will see for how long this anti-Russia coalition will last.

Let us be serious, Russia is a bad actor, but the reality is most of these European countries depend on Russian energy to provide for their citizens and the United States cannot cover the difference.

Yellen is Yelling

A Washington in Decay Threatens the World

Submit or Else! U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Photo courtesy of

United States Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, went on to threaten the world by stating that governments ‘undermining’ sanctions on Russia will not go unnoticed.

She issued a warning to those countries who according to her are ” sitting on the fence” about issuing sanctions against Russia. She was cited as saying that such “short sighted” policies will not go unnoticed.

Joe Biden was getting pooped on by a bird in Iowa while accusing the Russians of his own failed policies at home. Secretary Yellen feels compelled to threaten the rest of the world if they do not join the United States in its commitment to pushing Russia “further towards economic, financial, and strategic isolation.”

She went on to say, “And let’s be clear, the unified coalition of sanctioning countries will not be indifferent to actions that undermine the sanctions we’ve put in place.”

She is referring mainly to China and India who have refused to sanction Russia and have chosen to look for a diplomatic solution to the Ukrainian conflict instead.

The United States justifies the sanctions by saying they are necessary because the future of the international order “both for peaceful security and economic prosperity,” is now at stake.

The reality is this so-called coalition, is nothing more than a group of decadent countries. France, Germany, Britain, and the United States. Countries like China and India do not agree completely with the policies these countries have adopted towards the Ukrainian conflict, but the United States feels they have the right to tell others how to conduct their foreign affairs.

It is laughable to see the Biden administration issuing empty threats to China. China has adopted a neutral position towards the conflict and Washington has gone on to warned Beijing of “the implications and consequences” which would follow if China decided to support Russia.

Taking in consideration the fact that China is financing much of our debt and holds the cards to our financial future, I am sure Beijing is very scared of the Biden administration and its rhetoric.

In his meeting with India’s Prime Minister Modi, Biden offered to help in the search for other sources of energy, telling the prime minister ‘It is not in India’s interests to increase its dependence on Russia.’

That is even funnier since we do not produce energy for local consumption but are offering to resolve India’s energy problems. Only an incompetent person like Joe Biden would think this is actually a viable solution.

Perhaps Joe Biden feels compelled to help the comedian Zelensky, after all, “the Big Guy” owes him big, but the rest of the world may feel differently.

We need more transparency from the Ukrainian government before we commit more resources and make more demands from our partners.

Unfortunately, the United States is a country in decay so resorting to empty threats and bellicose rhetoric is all we have left.

The Search for The Truth About Bucha

Do they Really Want to Find It?

Joe Biden continues to go on national television calling Vladimir Putin names and playing the tough guy for everyone to see. In reality, Joe Biden is weak and is using the Ukraine conflict as a smoke screen to camouflage a crippling economy, his own son’s criminal activities, and a dismal approval rating here at home.

With his drug addicted son, Hunter Biden’s investigations and possible indictments, the fixers in the White House are trying to keep the American people in the dark by downplaying the story and by blaming Putin for our energy and economic woes.

As I have written before, all our problems were already here, long before Putin realized Biden was an incompetent fool with a big mouth. Instead of acting, Biden has chosen to play a game of words while the rest of Europe continues to buy gas and oil from Russia because they cannot afford not to.

Enter the Bucha massacre, allegedly perpetrated by the Russian Army. Joe Biden goes on calling Putin a “war criminal,” which it may be true, but coming from a country who refuses to recognize the International Criminal Court as a legitimate entity, it is laughable.

The Russians asked for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, but Britain, who is in charge of the Council, refused to grant such a request, instead telling the Russians they could wait until the regularly scheduled meeting on April 4th.

Why would the British not want to listen to the Russians and their defense against the accusations leveled by Joe Biden and Zelensky?

It is obviously politically motivated and not a search for the truth of what happened in Bucha and who actually did it.

You would think the International Criminal Court would be dispatching an investigative team to the region, but the court’s chief prosecutor, who happens to be British, has not moved a finger despite the fact he announced back in March that he was going full force investigating war crimes allegations.

I guess by the time chief prosecutor Khan decides to send a team, the alleged crime scene will completely be disturbed, bodies moved, and possible witnesses gone. Very convenient if you ask me.

I have a different theory. Could it be the Ukrainian National Police committed these atrocities in retaliation for possible cooperation with the Russian forces by the citizens of Bucha? It is easy to accuse the Russians when nobody is looking for the truth.

Of course, Biden screams “You saw what happened in Bucha,” and Vladimir Putin “is a war criminal.”  Joe Biden is not seeking peace, he does not want peace, instead he is advocating for more weapons deployments to Ukraine to keep the war going. The longer this goes on, the longer he can try to hide his incompetency from the American people.

If we really want to honor the memory of those who perished in Bucha, we deserve, they deserve for the truth to be told. Unfortunately, Joe Biden, Zelensky, and the bellicose west do not feel the same way.