Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

When I think of a dysfunctional system of government, Nancy Pelosi immediately comes to mind. The Speaker of the House, and third in command according to the Constitution she hates so much, never ceases to amaze by making the dumbest, divisive, and mostly nonsensical comments.
Either she is too ignorant to realize her comments are going to hit the airwaves, or she has been in Washington for so long she knows the Republicans do not have the forte to challenge her. Either way, this woman is unfit for any kind of office.
Her latest psychotic episode came while speaking at Cambridge University.
She seemed to imply that President Trump supporters were a greater threat to the United States than China. This is crazy talk at its finest. Anybody who would believe this baloney should have their brain checked immediately.
Supporters of President Trump did not go on a two-year streak burning government buildings and looting cities to the ground. Those were Democratic Party supporters under orders from the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters.
Antifa and Black Lives Matter are not Trump supporters, nice try Nancy.
She went on to compare President Trump supporters to cult members. This is so laughable than even people in the United Kingdom were making fun of her on social media. Those so-called cult members are American citizens, voters, taxpayers, and patriots.
Only someone as ignorant as Nancy Pelosi would go overseas to bad mouth American citizens. I understand she hates the United States, but at least have some class and leave the vitriol at home. I am sure the British do not care about how Nancy Pelosi feels about the United States and its citizens.
This woman is an embarrassment abroad as much as she is at home. Yes, she is crazy!