In his December 21, 2021, “No Christmas for You” press conference, Joe Biden continued to peddle the lie that “unvaccinated” Americans are to blame for the over 400,000 Covid deaths in the United States under the watchful eye of his anemic administration.
Furthermore, he went on to claim that most of the 400,000 casualties were unvaccinated Americans. Not even Common Core mathematics can quantify that phony statistic.
To me, this was the highlight of the press conference because that’s a total lie with zero evidence to prove it.
Anybody with a brain understands that’s a ridiculous argument which we could equally apply to deaths caused by the seasonal flu and come up with the same nonsensical results; blame it on those who won’t get the flu shot.
The Biden administration continues to double down on their fearmongering and vile threats against American citizens. They refuse to understand that threatening people is not going to get it done.
They are stuck on stupid and committed to press the pedal to the metal.
Instead of using logical persuasion to make his case for vaccinations, Joe Biden goes on national television, and like a petty dictator, attempts to impose his will upon the citizenry with doom and gloom stories and less than factual information.
Perhaps it is because he can’t make a logical argument or because he knows the American people simply put; don’t buy his bull$&%#.
The medical reality is Covid-19, and all its variants, is here to stay. The time for scare tactics is over.
The Biden administration needs to place their efforts in comprehensive mitigation, truthful information, and stop using the virus for political purposes.
If they are truly serious about tackling misinformation, the first thing they need to do is remove Anthony Fauci as the face of the fight against Covid-19.
The man is a proven liar and he does not command the respect and trust of the American people.
Unfortunately, we all know this is not about the virus, this is all about control and the transformation of the United States from a Constitutional Republic to some type of socialist utopian fail state.
The Democrats have used Covid-19 to destroy our electoral system, expand the welfare state, trounce free speech and those who dare to question the state’s intentions, and as a tool to justify their attempt at curtailing our Constitutional rights.
The more they try to intimidate the American people, the more the American people reject it. Americans don’t like to be pushed around or lied to by its government.
Let me be clear, I am not an anti-vaccination advocate. Throughout my 25 years of Federal law enforcement and my years in the military, I was injected with numerous vaccines before combat deployments and when traveling to foreign countries as a Federal Air Marshal.
But I do believe in individual rights as guaranteed by our Constitution and reject any sort of government intervention in what is supposed to be an issue between a doctor and a patient.
The Democrats have created a cultural mess. Between the masking and vaccination cultists, they have created a culture of distrust. These people have been emboldened by our own government to get in people’s faces.
This is nothing more than an accident waiting to happen and it is irresponsible behavior.
One thing I have come to realize and appreciate during the Covid-19 era is the fact that I don’t need to go to the movie theater, shopping malls, restaurants, or even socialize with others to live a fulfilling life.
I am not missing much as I have never been one to mingle with others on a regular basis. I appreciate my privacy to the fullest.
When the President of the United States goes on national television and falsely blames 400,000 Covid related deaths on the “unvaccinated”, he is creating a hostile living environment in your and my community.
It is time for people to stop listening to the media and the crooked press. Do your own research, consult with your doctor and your family, and make an inform decision. After all, it is your responsibility, not the government’s, to do what’s best for you.
It is time for the government to do what’s right for the American people and not what’s right for their ideological ambitions.
Lockdowns and segregation are not the solution, but a divisionary tactic that at the end won’t work.