Cyberbullying By Any Any Other Name?

GWRX is an extremely popular golf related social media outlet. I have been a member since 2007 and have participated in their forums sporadically.
As with any social media outlet, sometimes people get in some heated conversations and say things that may not be “socially” acceptable or deemed “offensive”, even if they are not.
That is “par for the course,” you give, you take, and move on, nothing personal until it gets personal.
As with any moderated forum, moderators are supposed to enforce the rules, but they are to be enforced equally and unbiased. That is not the case with the moderators at GWRX.
On many occasions I have reported abuse posts which they choose to ignore, giving me no choice but to defend my self in the open forum.
As a result, I get the warnings while the individuals who I reported continue to spill their vile comments without repercussions.
I am a very thick skin individual, but when you start to question my patriotism and my loyalties, I will fight you to the end.
My credentials and what I have done for this country speak for themselves and I will not allow some faceless individual tarnish my reputation.
The management at GWRX decided that they were going to suspend me for defending myself, so I decided to cancel my 15-year association with them.
I am posting this, not because I care about GWRX, but because this illustrates why I have so much disdain for social media and the cowards it protects.
Having rules mean nothing when the rules are selectively enforced, and this is how GWRX operates.
GWRX is cesspool and, in my opinion, encourages cyberbullying. The owners do not care, and they should be ashamed of themselves.