If you have ever been a prison inmate, you may recognize this Kanye West, $350.00 pair of “Croc-like Yeezys”. After all, this style of shower shoes are standard issue at prisons and county jails all over the country.
I guess this is the new fashion craze among “Yeezy-istas” as they post pictures on Twitter of this new Kanye West inspired release.
It must be me or the “thug look” is back in style. These styles of shower shoes are the same style given, including that beautiful orange color, to inmates at numerous prisons throughout the country.
So why would people pay $350.00 for a $3.85 pair of PVC sandals? Why would people want to look like a prison inmate? You will have to ask the people who are crazy enough to buy this stuff.
But, if you insist on looking like an inmate while walking the posh streets of Manhattan, I do offer an alternative for you, and nobody would notice the difference. Go to https://www.bobbarker.com/footwear/sandals and for $3.85 you can buy the same footwear Kanye is selling for $350.00 at affordable prison prices.
Trust me, nobody will notice the difference and you will still look cool. Or you can go to prison and get them for free.