The New N95/KN95 Fallacy

Every time Anthony Fauci opens his mouth with some asinine, ‘I pull out of my rear end,’ new rule, Americans go crazy along with him.
Now the N95/KN95 mask craze is sweeping the nation. From masks do not work to triple masking, Fauci has been wrong every step of the way, and he is wrong one more time. Fauci is addicted to power regardless of science or common sense, the man is a pathetic publicity sponge.
The latest is that unless you wear an N95 or KN95 mask, your level of protection against Covid-19 is zero.
Well, what the witch doctor is failing to tell the gullible American people is the fact that unless you are properly fitted, an N95 or KN95 mask is as equally useless. You are actually better off going ‘au naturel’ and breathe good old fresh air.
I have been properly fitted and wore those masks for lengthy periods of times. They are uncomfortable and must be replaced every 8 hours. Anyone telling you differently does not know what he or she is talking about. No, you cannot handwash them despite of internet claims to that fact.
Not all N95 or KN95 are created equal. The internet is flooded with Chinese made knockoffs that will offer you no protection. Unless they are FDA approved, they are nothing but garbage.
Now schools and businesses, who are still mandating masks, want to make N95 and KN95 usage mandatory. Schools in Los Angeles want all kids to wear N95 masks all day long. Folks, this is child abuse and should be fought all the way to the courts if necessary.
If a business demands consumers to wear an N95 or KN95 to shop, they should provide them. These masks are expensive, and when used properly, only good for a certain amount of time.
The CDC and Fauci know this is malarky. They know these masks will not do a thing to stop the spread, but they enjoy fearmongering and seeing Americans running around like chickens without heads.
Unfortunately, Americans have lost their spine and have no appetite to question these crackpots and their draconian mandates.
If you think these masks will do something for you use them, but do it because you have done your research and not because some government stooge is telling you to do so.