The Biden’s Administration Search For The Next “Black Woman” Supreme Court Justice

The Biden administration could not wait for an official retirement announcement from Supreme Court Justice Stephen Bryer to go on media outlets and announce to the world that if you are not black or a woman, you will not be considered to fill the Supreme Court vacancy, regardless of qualifications.
This is how we do things in this country in 2022. Forget about qualifications and experience, if you have the complexion for the connection, that is all it matters.
But this is not new. A supervisor of mine, who happened to be black, lost his service pistol, not once, but twice, and he still got promoted.
Another black supervisor had an accidental weapon discharge in the office while conducting an inspection, again, nothing happened to him. In today’s world that’s par for the course.
I have always put a premium on experience and qualifications and when I was working I always sought out ways to improve my knowledge and on-the-job experience.
It always paid off for me, I got promoted because of my experience and knowledge. That I happened to be Hispanic was an afterthought because I could back it up with my work.
Joe Biden handcuffed himself when he promised he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy with a “black woman.” Nothing wrong with that, but for someone who claims everyone is racist but him, to cast away everyone else solely on the color of their skin, well, that is racist.
In pure Democratic Party fashion; if you are male, Asian, white, lesbian, transgender, binary, and all those other unscientific, but socially acceptable human designations, do not waste your time, you will not be considered.
If you are a conservative black woman forget about it. And if you are a conservative black woman with outstanding qualifications, no way in Democratic Party hell, will you get a phone call.
It is a shame this is the current situation in our society. Everything, from education to voting has been dumbed down in the name of so-called equality.
I have never used my ethnicity as an excuse for not getting a job. If I did not get a job it is because I was not qualified for it, period. I am sick of people using their skin color or ethnic origin as an excuse when things do not go their way or to demand things they are not entitled to.
The Biden administration has already handicapped whomever the black woman is. At the end of the day, she will be just that, the black woman in the Supreme Court of the United States that Joe promised the Democratic Party base.