Joe Biden And His Third World Bait and Switch Tactics Will Not Work

As I listened to Joe Biden spew all his nonsense from Independence Hall, with a background that looked like the red gates of hell, I could only wonder how we ended up with such a disgrace as our president.
From the doom and gloom background and his Marine bodyguards, Joe Biden looked more like a Hugo Chavez than an Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Making America Great Again (MAGA), was probably the greatest and most unifying slogan of the 21st century. After 8 years of the Obama administration in which the country was a failure at a local and global level, the hope for a fresh start was pinned to this slogan.
But according to Joe Biden, so-called MAGA Republicans, whatever that means, are an existential threat to what he calls, “our democracy.” I already have a problem with a president who continues to refer to the United States as a democracy when in fact we are a Republic.
The speech was full of hate and lies. Republicans who voted for President Trump were not the ones burning our cities and federal buildings. These were Black Lives Matters and Antifa operatives which are the road dogs of the Democratic Party.
Sure, we had some people who did not agree with the results and were allowed by federal law enforcement to enter our Capitol and commit acts of vandalism. Far from an ‘insurrection’ and more like a Black Lives Matter or Antifa riot.
Unlike Antifa and BLM, most of those defendants remain in prison and have not been afforded the rights to a speedy trial as guaranteed by the United States Constitution. Who has been playing dirty politics?
Joe Biden accusing conservatives of not accepting the election results is a bunch of hypocritical garbage. Let us not forget how the Democrats and Hillary Clinton whined about the 2020 results, accusing the Russian government of election interference, and making the president-elect as some type of Russian stooge.
For four years, the Democrats in Congress made the life of President Donald J. Trump a living hell. They could not accept the election results, so they brought unsuccessful impeachment proceedings against the president.
For four years, the Democrats made a mockery of our system of government and now they want to claim the moral high ground. This is a joke that I do not find funny.
As I watched the speech, I was waiting for Biden to announce live, that President Trump was been arrested or some type of military operation was going on American soil. That is the level of creepiness I felt watching this tin pot dictator speak.
It was scary to watch and a revelation as to what can happen to a country when government exercises unchecked power. Joe Biden is governing as a third world dictator, and I know he would not hesitate to use the military and federal law enforcement to hold on to power.
Joe Biden is that type of crazy and the Republicans do not have it in them to stop him.
Unfortunately, we cannot count on our Department of Justice to do the right thing as they have been weaponized and no individual within those departments has the guts to say, ‘enough is enough.’
So, as Joe Biden threatens 75 million Americans who freely exercised their guaranteed right to vote, the country continues to be an economic, social, educational, and a leadership failure. Joe Biden and the Democrats have nothing to run on, so they are going full third world to take by force that they cannot have by merit.
The true existential threat to our republic is sitting at the White House. The ‘Divider in Chief’ will stop at nothing to retain power and destroy whatever is left of this free country. I would not be surprised if this ‘accidental president’ concocts something come this November.
Among all this craziness, we have to be smart and act accordingly. This speech was nothing more than bait and switch to elicit a negative reaction from law abiding citizens, mainly Republicans.
We have to remain calm and continue to express our grievances respectfully and at the ballot box. Joe Biden may be treating our country as third world country, but it is our duty to treat our country as the shinning beacon of hope that it is.
We need to stay above the rhetoric, ignore the haters, and understand that what Joe Biden and the Democrats are doing is by design and with the intent to destroy our country by creating false narratives and by pinning Americans against Americans.
The only way the Democrats can succeed is not by addressing the issues and offering solutions, but by creating division and by fabricating situations that in reality do not exist.
Making America Great should be every American vision, and wish, for our country.