My Sarcastic List of Things I am Thankful for 2021

You are welcome!

Is that time of the year in which I reflect on the things I have seen throughout the year and come up with my “Sarcastic” list of events I am thankful for.

This has been indeed a crazy and very confusing year. Mostly to those who are uninformed and blindly trusting of government or drunk on their own ‘wokeness.’

I can honestly say that other than traveling abroad, my life has been pretty normal. Fortunately for me, I live in a Red State, and our governor has been pretty common sensical when dealing with the Washington imposed nonsense.

So, without further do, my most awaited list of the “Sarcastic” things I am thankful for 2021.

  1. The ‘election’ of the ‘greatest’ President and Vice President in United States history.
  2. The United States government sponsored invasion by illegal aliens
  3. Open Borders policy
  4. The Welfare State
  5. “Saint” Anthony Fauci
  6. Massive inflation, the greatest in 39 years
  7. High gas prices
  8. Energy independence
  9. Critical Race Theory
  10. BLM and Antifa FBI legitimization
  11. Defund the Police movement
  12. Unconstitutional vaccine mandates
  13. The FBI
  14. The DOJ
  15. The Department of Education
  16. The CDC
  17. Riots and burning of private property
  18. Hollywood Elite
  19. Our ‘tough’ stance on Russia and China
  20. Abortion
  21. The high IQ of the Chinese Communist Party spokesperson Lebron James
  22. Nike and their glorious and humanly operated sweatshops in China
  23. The ‘strong’ Republican party
  24. The Jussie Smollett Hoax
  25. ESPN celebration of the Bubba Wallace Hoax and the white guilt by NASCAR drivers

I am looking forward to 2022, it is only going to get better.