Of Replacement Theory and Mass Shootings

How the Left has Promoted This Nonsense While Blaming Republicans

As we all know, the Democrats and their communist ilk are always pushing divisive policies with the intent to separate the country.

This time is no different with their new “Replacement Theory” conspiracies and talking points. The truth is, and unbeknownst to many including myself, democrats and their media pundits have been pushing this “Replacement Theory” for quite some time.

Personally, I have never heard of this nonsense until Democrats started talking about it after the Buffalo mass shooting. I went on YouTube and found clips of liberals talking over and over again about how white people in the United States were going to be the minority in a matter of years and how they were going to be replaced by so-called brown people.

To say conservatives or Republicans are pushing this racist theory is absurd and a flat out lie. After all the Democrats are the ones pushing garbage like Critical Race Theory, so if you ask me, Democrats are in charge of the conspiracy theory department.

So, let us entertain for a second, the thought white people are really afraid of getting replaced. What would make them feel this way?

Let us see, other than the constant reminder by the liberal media, television advertisement is also to blame. On an average, 8 of 10 television commercials are done with talent or people other than white. The majority of network television shows are cast with minorities with little white representation.

This has been a trend for some time. It started with Trevon Martin, the false Michael Brown narrative of police brutality, and it reached its grand finale with the 2020 riots over the death of George Floyd at the hands of a bad police officer.

Companies and networks have gone out of their way to make sure they look ‘inclusive’ avoiding getting boycotted by domestic subversive groups like Black Lives Matters or sued by race hustler and profiteer attorney Benjamin Crump.

State Farm went as far as replacing the ‘white guy’ in their television commercials in favor of a ‘black guy.’ Are you telling me they could not have kept both? Talk about in your face “Replacement Theory.”

When it comes to this lunatic conspiracy of “Replacement Theory,” nobody is more responsible for it than the liberal media. They have created these monsters by constantly marginalizing and telling them they are an ‘endangered species.’

It does not take much to convince a mentally disturbed individual into believing something that is not really there. Anybody of right mind knows white people are not an ‘endangered species,’ but liberals suggesting such a thing tells you everything you need to know about the level of evil inside of them.

The democrats and liberal media outfits are being the ones telling white people for the last two years, they are worthless and only have a few decades left before they are replaced by other people of different color or ethnicity.

Democrats own this theory and everything that comes with it as a result of such scaremongering and marginalization. The evidence of this is on the internet for everyone to see, you do not have to take my word for it.

As it relates to mass murderers, it does not matter what race or color they are, after all, mass shootings and domestic terrorist attacks are and have been committed by different type of perpetrators.

Mass murders are despicable acts committed by despicable people, but if you listen to the Democrats and Joe Biden, you would be led to believe these acts are committed exclusively by white people against black people or other ethnic groups. Of course, that is nonsense and a lie.

Always amazes me how democrats are selective as to what mass murders are more profitable than others.

Which is why you have not seen Joe Biden speak out about the alleged black mass murderer in the November 21, 2021, Waukesha Christmas Parade, the alleged black NYC subway terrorist who deployed gas and fired 33 times inside a subway cart, or the Laguna Woods, California in which a Chinese-born immigrant shot a group of Taiwanese church goers.

Since the May 14, 2022, Buffalo mass shooting, a total of 15 other shootings involving multiple casualties have been responded to by law enforcement in the United States. Crickets coming out of the White House.


Unfortunately, the Biden administration does not care much about those because they offer no benefit to their communist agenda and their dreams of gun control.

In the latest mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, the democrats could not wait for the blood to dry up before politicizing the shooting with cries for gun control. They could not play the race card because the perpetrator was an 18-year-old Latino man, nevertheless, they did not waste the opportunity to blame the republicans.

Joe Biden did not praise the Border Patrol agents who stopped this animal from killing more children, but instead used the opportunity to talk about how guns are the problem, not the people using such guns.

Even democrat Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke had the indecency to interrupt Governor’s Greg Abbott press conference to grandstand while families of the victims were among the attendees.

Mass shootings are not a gun control issue, they are a law enforcement issue and a social issue. Police departments are not allowed to do their jobs and their relationship with the community has been shattered by democrats demonizing law enforcement every chance they get.

While the FBI and the Department of Justice concentrate their efforts investigating concerned parents over what their children are getting taught in government schools, real crimes continue to go unnoticed.

This is not about “Replacement Theory,” or a gun problem, this is about a government, and a society, which has failed its citizens and has allowed home grown domestic terrorists, regardless of race, color, or ethnic origin, to operate indiscriminately.