Parents Are Not a Threat Mr. Agent Man

After the death of George Floyd, cities across the country went up in flames by the hands of BLM and Antifa activists.
Businesses were burnt to the ground, police officers were routinely assaulted, federal, and private property were defaced, and citizens lived in constant fear.
This went on for months while Democrats were claiming these were “peaceful protests,” and the Federal Bureau of Investigations concluded they did not have evidence showing Antifa was a domestic terrorist group.
Of course, for a person like me who has been trained in counter terrorism and worked for 15 years preventing terrorists from conducting another 9/11 style attack, this laughable.
Now the Department of Justice wants to designate concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.” Just because these parents do not want their children to be forced fed Critical Race Theory garbage which is designed to divide our country.
I wrote about this a few days ago, but since then new details have come out about AG Garland and his relationship with promoters of Critical Race Theory.
It is interesting, AG Garland’s son-in-law, Alexander Tanner, is president of Panorama Education, a company who makes millions from the government education system by promoting and selling Critical Race Theory surveys and Critical Race Theory curriculums to government schools across the country. Can you say conflict of interest? YES, BECAUSE IT IS!!!
No wonder AG Garland wants to use the power of the federal government to protect his son-in-law’s bottom line. We saw the same thing during the Obama years with the Internal Revenue Service going after conservative groups like the Tea Party Patriots.
Using the FBI to go after parents who are only exercising their first amendment rights, and their rights as parents, is wrong and a waste of investigative resources. Furthermore, that’s Banana Republic law enforcement.
But how real is this threat by the Department of Justice? According to former SEAL, FBI agent, and fellow former Federal Air Marshal, Jonathan Gilliam, sources at the FBI have told him they have not seen any written directives. He shared this information during an interview with Breitbart News and went on to say he believed this was a bluff.
Personally, I do not believe it’s a bluff, but at the same time I would like to think the FBI would stay away from something that has nothing to do with real terrorism. If they want to deal with real terrorists, I could think about our porous borders and groups like BLM and Antifa.
BLM and Antifa may not be as active as they were during the Trump presidency, but they are still there, and they remain a threat to this country. There is nothing peaceful about burning buildings or setting police stations on fire.
Lastly, the hypocrisy of the left never ceases to amaze me. Just this week, “climate change” protesters clashed with law enforcement at the Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C.
The Department of Interior released a statement, not condemning the violence but saying the Department “believes strongly in respecting and upholding the right to free speech and peaceful protest.”
Say what? There was nothing peaceful about it. These protesters were trying to break into the building while fighting and disobeying law enforcement. By liberal standards, this was an act of insurrection.
But wait a minute, these were Joe Biden voters, so it is all right to commit acts of insurrection under the cover of “free speech.”
Just as the events of January 6th were quite different from an act of insurrection, the protests at the Department of the Interior were nothing more than a bunch of greenies complaining about lack of action from the administration. Nevertheless, they were not peaceful, and they should have been managed accordingly.
This is an example on how if you think like a liberal you can get caught up in a labyrinth of worthless slogans, labels, and accusations. Violence should be never justified, regardless of party affiliation.
The government, be federal or state, do not have the right to tell parents how to raise their children or what’s appropriate education. We are entitled to question, respectfully, our school board officials, after all, we all pay taxes to fund these schools, and we have the right to know how that money is used.
Instead of chasing concerned parents, I would like to suggest the FBI concentrate their efforts on real crimes and real terrorism. This is something I expect from Banana Republic security apparatuses, not the United States of America.