The victory of Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin in Virginia demonstrates most Americans still believe in individual rights, the rule of law, and the freedoms afforded by the Constitution.
Democrat candidate Terry McAuliffe ran on the typical fearmongering, race-based, and victimhood nonsense the Democrats continue to hang on to, and the people of Virginia rejected it.
Sure, McAuliffe got 48% of the vote, but that is the percentage of voters who were going to vote Democrat no matter what.
Youngkin ran an issues-oriented campaign, concentrating on education, the economy, and parental rights.
Critical Race Theory was at the forefront of the campaign as parents were concerned about the emphasis the public school system has put on such a divisive and racist propaganda subject.
While the Democrats continued to feed their base with cheap red meat like transgederism in schools, defunding the police, illegal aliens, and welfare for all, the Republicans were on point.
The economy, public, safety, education, and COVID-19, those were the winning issues and it showed at the ballot box in Virginia.
Democrats tried to make it about Donald Trump. The mainstream media tried to make Youngkin look like some type of racist and a “Trump Trooper,” with the Lincoln Project going as far as to stage a phony photo-op to portray Youngkin as some type of right-wing crazy. It didn’t work.
Virginians rejected that nonsense and saw it for what it was, cheap politics. The American people have seen the country go from a strong one to a weak one in a matter of months and they are opening their eyes to what the Democratic Party has to offer.
Under the Democrats, American citizens have become third class citizens while illegal aliens have been elevated to a position of strength. While the central government order Americans to vaccinate or else, illegal aliens are not even evaluated.
Gold Star families only get $100,000 for the death of a family member while fighting for his or her country, the Democrats want to give $450,000 to illegal aliens who dare to break our laws and enter our country illegally. If that’s not enough reason to reject Democratic Party policies, I do not know what else I could tell you to convince you.
Bottomline? Policies still matter, and the Republican Party could learn a thing or two from Glenn Youngkin’s wining campaign strategy.