Only The People Can Find The Cure

I am not a member of Facebook, Twitter, Tik-tok, Snapchat, Instagram, and any other of those social media outlets.
I never cared for them because I believe they are nothing more than outlets for cowards who would never dare to say the things they type, in one’s face.
It is funny to see how politicians and so-called ‘influencers,’ get upset when they get suspended or banned for site violations.
After all, these companies are private enterprises, and they have the right to admit or dismiss those they see fit. The same way, we have the right, as consumers, to refuse to use them.
Unfortunately, social media has become a substitute for real life encounters and conversations. People sit in their underwear and type away or post things, that by most part, other people do not care about.
Other than your family; who cares if your kid got a 25th place trophy? Who cares if you indulge on a Big Mac after claiming you did a forty-five-minute workout?
Social media provides the means for people to spew hate, left and right, and never be held accountable. If you are not willing to say that same thing to my face, I have no time for you. Some of the things I have read on social media could warrant some serious legal issues.
People threatening others with a keyboard, and from miles away, is a cowardly act, but that is what it is today.
From politicians telling their followers to physically harm people because they have a different political ideology, to outlets like Facebook, banning a United States President, social media has created a whole class of what I have coined “techno-terrorists.”
These techno-terrorists are protected by the government and by pages of small print customer’s agreements with the social media conglomerates.
When social media outlets allow Democrat members of Congress to say whatever they want to say but restricts and remove information provided by Republican members of Congress, this is an attack on the First Amendment. It does nothing for the betterment of society and it restricts the flow of information.
When a social media magnate is given so much power about what people is allowed to say or discuss in a free society, we have a problem. This behavior is in complete contradiction with the United States Constitution.
Let us be honest, they are all the same, be a liberal platform or a conservative platform. If you do not have a little blue checkmark or some other symbol of exclusivity next to your name, you are treated differently. This is true of Twitter or the newly conservative outlet, Gettr.
These are social clubs for the politically and socially powerful, everyone else are the water carriers, without them they could not survive.
I compare social media to Mega-churches. People are looking for something to fulfil some emptiness in their life, be by giving 10% of their income to the church with the promise of eternal salvation or following some A-lister hoping one of their posts gets acknowledge, it is all the same.
There are also outlets for those who are nothing more than irrelevant afterthoughts who need these followers to survive. As soon as some faceless follower complains about their activities or comments, they go on an apology tour. They do not even have the self-respect to stand by their comments.
Places like Twitter and Facebook allows and promotes violence by extremist groups, be Antifa, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, or BLM, while at the same time removing accounts and information posted by those who live a more normal life.
They are de-facto an extension of political parties, mainly the Democratic Party, and they serve as their digital judge, jury, and executioners of those who exercise independent thinking and free speech. They are not regulated, and as a private enterprise, they get away with everything a publisher or a real news outlet could not.
They speak of conservative misinformation, but they fail to admit they are the ones spreading misinformation by not allowing the truth to flow. They allow a liar like Anthony Fauci to flip flop in real time, but according to them, Fauci is the only doctor on the planet who knows what he is talking about.
When faced with facts by people like Senator Rand Paul, the social media police deem his factual commentary as an attack on Fauci. The double standard is despicable and ridiculous enough for me not to get involve in these types of social media outlets.
Before social media, people had to talk to each other. There was a level of respect and understanding that has been lost by people hiding behind a keyboard and feeling empowered to talk to others whichever way they want.
Disrespect has become fashionable among the ‘mommy basement dwellers’ with their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Social media has created heroes out of zeroes and a new class of useless beings.
Social media is a societal cancer and until people realize they are nothing more than a hamster on a wheel, the big tech billionaires will continue to use them, and will continue to make billions while trouncing on free speech.