Watching television during this government created hysteria, it dawned on me the hypocrisy of politicians and the media regarding Social Distancing.
How is it politicians go on national television looking like they just walked out of the makeup trailer? I am sorry, but I know there’s no way in this world they can exercise Social Distancing, unless they are doing their own make up. We all know they are not.
This is another case of “Do as I say, not as I do”. This is absolute nonsense and an insult to the intelligence of the American people. But don’t be surprised, this is how these people think and feel about you and me. We are not citizens, we are peasants, we are to follow the rules or else.
Forget about the Constitution, forget human dignity. It is ok for us to look like crap, but God forbid the Speaker of the House goes on national television, or the comedy shows, looking like she just walked in from a homeless shelter. No, no, no, folks, her makeup needs to be perfect and her hair has to be nice.
The media talking heads? Oh boy! I saw a clip of Anderson Cooper and he looked like a poster boy for Maybelline. Is Cooper Anderson applying his own makeup? I don’t think so. Now, to be fair, on the other hand you have comedian Trevor Noah looking like he hasn’t taken a shower in three months. I guess we are supposed to feel sorry for him. Oh my!
I started to switch channels looking for other television personalities and politicians. They all looked fabulous. The Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia was complaining about Governor Kemp reopening the economy, but the lady didn’t look unkempt, she was wearing nice makeup and she looked fresh, unlike most of her unemployed constituency. Same thing with Michigan’s governor, she looked like she was ready to walk the Red Carpet.
Spare me! There’s no Social Distancing been practice by these hypocrites. They are using Social Distancing as a way to keep the population under control. If the citizens can’t assemble, they can’t effectively protest. Numbers are everything and they know it.
Social Distancing, or what I call government blatant violation of my 1st amendment right to freely assemble and associate, is good for you and me, but not for the elite or the political class. In their eyes, they are better than us, so the rules don’t apply to them.
Meanwhile, they go on television and use fear and misinformation in an attempt to control the people. The main culprit, Dr. Fauci, with his “Doom and Gloom” Ouija board predictions and faulty models, telling people the only way they can survive is by staying home indefinitely and keeping proper distance. I hate to brake it to the “Doc”, but when the virus carrying droplets can travel up to 26 feet in the air, that 6 ft. rule of separation and masks pretty much goes out of the window. You would actually have to dress like a serial killer out of the movie “Hostel” to feel kind of safe. People, this is just good old common sense!
The strength of the American people is our ability to unite in the face of adversity. Once the government takes that ability away from us, they can get away with pretty much anything they want.
This is done by design and this has created a government induced unemployment in turn creating a new government dependent class. There’s no more “Middle Class”, and politicians continue to feed that fantasy, that lie, into the minds of the American people.
Next time you are watching television and you see your favorite politician and television personality looking good, remember, they are not bound by the same set of rules as you and me, otherwise they would be looking and feeling like us.
This has been my Rant of the Week!