The Biden Administration Needs to Mind Their Own Business

The Biden Administration Urging Canada to Strongarm its Citizens

The failed Biden administration is on a roll. From promoting a fake war in the Ukraine, whining about Russian President Putin use of language, and sticking their nose in other countries affairs, the Biden administration offers a smorgasbord of failures with a side of wagging the dog moments.

This is what happens when you have nothing positive to talk about in your own country. High energy prices, highest inflation since the 80’s, an open southern border, illegal aliens airlifted all over the country in the middle of the night, etc, etc, etc.

I wish the Biden administration had the same level of enthusiasm about our own borders as they are about Canada’s.

It is laughable to see our own ineffective Department of Homeland Security telling Canada what to do. The article above tells you everything you need to know.

Joe Biden is afraid the truckers peacefully protesting Covid-19 restrictions in Canada are going to open the eyes of the American people.

Joe, they already have. “Que la liberté sonne”