Controlling the Truth by Curtailing Free Speech

I am not surprised the Biden administration would concoct such a battering ram against freedom of speech and freedom of opinion and ideas. After all, this is the same administration who thrives on misinformation.
Remember, Joe Biden got more than 80 million votes, concerned parents are domestic terrorists, January 6th was an insurrection, despite the fact nobody has been charged with such a crime, the economy is great, gas prices and the inflation are Russia’s fault, and the list goes on and on.
You would think the creation of such of board would be to keep the government from spreading misinformation, but that does not seem to be the plan. Sounds more like a tool to silence us, the American citizen.
The democrats understand Covid-19 woke a sleeping monster inside the American people, the monster of curiosity. Covid-19 exposed the reality of our failed government run education system, the long arm of government overreach, the curtailment of constitutional rights under the guise of ‘health’, and the dangers of an unaccountable government.
From Critical Race Theory to transgender indoctrination of little children, the democrats have attempted to change our societal norms by force. The people have rejected those changes as they understand they are divisive in nature and spoon fed by a minority who wants to impose their will upon the rest of us.
Facing this American ‘awakening’, the democrats have to produce something to control the left-wing narrative and to silence any opinion or discussion that can expose their backwards policies; enter the Disinformation Governance Board.
What is the purpose of such a department? The Department of Homeland Security claims is to combat ‘foreign misinformation and disinformation.’ I do not buy it; we have a Central Intelligence Agency to do just that.
Curiously, the announcement came days after Elon Musk purchased social media platform Twitter with the promise of ‘more freedom of speech’, and after former president Obama went on a speaking spree pleading his case that more government was necessary to provide oversight and regulation for these platforms.
Freedom of speech is a protected constitutional right, and I do not believe a bureaucracy like DHS have the authority to create a misinformation bureau to control such speech. We have law enforcement agencies tasked to track foreign adversaries, so I have to deduct this is nothing more than a silencing tool for domestic consumption.
DHS claims is a tool of national security, but our own government can declare anything a ‘matter of national security,’ and without the proper oversight can become a tool of suppression for those voices who happen to disagree with the government’s position.
To make matters worse, DHS Secretary Majorkas has designated the ‘Queen of Misinformation,’ Nina Jankowicz, as its executive director.
She was one of the biggest advocates against the Hunter Biden’s computer fiasco, going along with the nonsense that it was Russian misinformation.
This woman used a Mary Poppins song to create a video about so-called disinformation. The word on the internet is that she is a frustrated actress, well, I can see why.
She definitely fits the bill for such a position in the Biden administration, it seems spreading misinformation is her best asset, plus she does not seem to have all her marbles upstairs.
Many Americans, including members of congress, have questioned the legitimacy and purpose of this board. I believe it is time to have hearings, and if the government wants to create a new bureaucracy, it should be done through the legislative process.
George Orwell wrote about the ‘Ministry of Truth’ in his science fiction novel “1984”, let us keep it that way, a work of fiction.