An American Icon Gone Forever

When the ‘Woke Police’ and the cancel culture snowflakes started to feel offended about everything I read Aunt Jemima was going to be canceled. First, I couldn’t believe it, and second, my wife went on a hunt for Aunt Jemima pancake mix while the sweet Aunt Jemima was still featured on the box.
Why would Americans want Aunt Jemima gone? Only small minded people would think Aunt Jemima was an insult to black Americans or any other minority.
Sure, the original Aunt Jemima came from a caricature, but she evolved into a beautiful and iconic figure recognized in kitchens all over the world.
So, it is with great sadness that I share with you we’ve used our last box of Aunt Jemima original pancake mix. Never again will we ever have the opportunity to see such an American icon gracing the front of the most popular pancake mix in the world.
Cancel culture is wrong, Quaker Oats had it wrong, and America’s lost.