Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mike Milley

Reading about the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mike Milley and his alleged dealings with the Chinese Communist Party to undermine the United States, is not only disheartening but flat out scary.
According to reports and Bob Woodward interviews, General Milley was in contact with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and offered to warn the Chinese government of any possible incoming military action by the Trump Administration. It has also been reported he instructed military officers not to follow President Trump’s orders after the January 6th events at the Capitol.
OANN quoted President Trump as saying, “Trump then expressed concern with Woodward’s report that claims Milley promised to warn Beijing if Trump authorized a military strike on China. Woodward also found Milley was telling military officers not to follow President Trump’s orders after the January 6 protests at the U.S. Capitol. Trump stressed a U.S. general must not advise a foreign adversary or conspire against the commander-in-chief.”
As reported by Pearson Sharp of One American News Network, in one of the alleged phone calls, General Milley stated to his Chinese military counterpart, and quote, “General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years, if we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. Is not going to be a surprise.”
On another phone call, General Milley told General Li “General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable, and everything is going to be ok.” He continued, “we are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you.”
Well, I didn’t know the United States was run by a Military Junta. The last time I checked we still have a semi functioning civilian government.
All I can deduct from these excerpts is General Milley was willing to put the United States military and this country in danger. Folks, this is an act of treason.
The Department of Defense definition of treason is: “violation of the allegiance owed to one’s sovereign or state; betrayal of one’s country.” If these allegations are proven to be true, which I don’t see how they couldn’t base on the telephone transcripts, General Milley is a traitor and should be handle accordingly by a military tribunal.
I wonder what would have happened if President Trump had been reelected into office. A military coup perhaps?
General Milley needs to be removed from his position immediately, investigated to the fullest, and tried if necessary.
This man has set a precedent, a dangerous one, and if we are to remain a functioning Constitutional Republic, our military leaders can’t and should not operate independently from civilian leadership.
Maybe next time you see military vehicles in your neighborhood they may not be dropping emergency supplies.