From a Conservative Point of View

One thing I have always admired about the Democrats is the fact they always fight and get what they want, even in the minority. I don’t support their policies, but I always recognize a prize fighter when I see one.
Democrats exercise the power of the office while Republicans enjoy the glamour of being in office. That’s a big difference and now with the Democrats in power, Republicans are nowhere to be found.
Sure, they talk a good game in front of the cameras and in conservative radio talk shows, but when it is time to put their money where their mouth is, they play broke.
Republicans are all about perception over principles while Democrats couldn’t care less about what “we the people” may think or feel. The Democrats will ram anything through the Congress, and they are 100% in it.
The Republicans, even in the majority, rarely get anything done. The Obama administration committed many impeachable acts during their tenure, but Republicans were worried about been labeled “racists” for impeaching the first “Black President.”
From weaponizing the IRS against American citizens, to Benghazi, to Fast and Furious, and the extra judicial droning of American citizens. The Republicans did nothing and the Obama administration lived to tell the tale, their tale.
Democrats? Democrats were impeaching President Trump from the moment he became the Republican Party nominee. Once he became President, the game was on, and the Democrats were all over it and committed to impeach him by any means possible. They did it, not once, but twice.
On the first impeachment trial, they claimed President Trump had abused his power and obstructed the Congress. President Trump was impeached a second time after the January 6, 2021, riots at the Capitol.
On both trials the Senate voted for acquittal despite the fact 10 Republicans joined in with the Democrats to impeach him on the second trial. With Republicans like that who needs Democrats.
Need more evidence of Republican weakness? In the latest Republican caper, Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, along with 10 Republicans join in with the Democrats to give them a huge victory over the debt ceiling debacle.
The Republicans who joined this exercise on fiscal irresponsibility were, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Maine Sen. Susan Collins, Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, South Dakota Sen. John Thune, South Dakota Sen. Mike Rounds, Texas Sen. John Cornyn, West Virginia Sen. Shelly Moore Capito and Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso.
Mitch McConnell and the Republicans didn’t need to do this. They had the upper hand, and they should have forced the Democrats to raise the ceiling via the budget reconciliation process. After the fact, Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer took a victory lap while humiliating the Republicans in the process.
Chuck Schumer went on to say, “We have reached an agreement to extend the debt ceiling through early December, and it’s our hope that we can get this done as soon as today,”
An agreement? Excuse me, but this was nothing more than a capitulation by the Republicans. As they always do, talk a good game and at the end they always fold.
The Republican Party is weak and is ran by old foolish leadership. If you think they will step up to the plate and get anything done in the event they retake the House and the Senate in 2022, think again. Not with career politicians like Mitch McConnell or Lindsay Graham at the helm.
The Republicans don’t have it in them to fight, the Democrats are political MMA fighters. Consider this, when Democrats are the minority at the Federal level, they take all their energy and money and concentrate on local elections.
Democrats are always two steps ahead while Republicans are trying to figure out which foot to move first.
The Republican Party is dead. The road toward socialism has never been brighter.