I Don’t Blame Him, I Blame You…

This is for those who voted for him and for what is going on in our country. This man was hiding in his basement the whole campaign cycle and when he came out, he couldn’t put together a baseball roster with those who attended his rallies.
You voted for this man because you hated President Trump so much, but when asked why, you couldn’t come up with a rational or intelligent reason.
You voted for this man because having a secured border and keeping illegal aliens from your neighborhood was harsh, but now those illegal aliens will be able to buy the home you can’t afford as this man gives them a $450,000 gift for breaking our laws.
You voted for this man because, like Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, the promise of free stuff and welfare checks for all, sounded too good.
You voted for this man because you thought the economy was going to get better, although it was already the best in decades. Now you will be lucky to find a can of SPAM at your local grocery store.
You voted for this man because you thought under President Trump your rights were under attack. Now, you are being mandated to inject yourself with untested vaccines or lose your livelihood in the process.
You voted for this man because you believed the hypocrites who cried climate change while traveling the world in their expensive private jets. Now we are, once again, dependent on foreign oil and rogue nations for our energy needs.
You voted for this man because you believed President Trump was a racist, despite the fact the man you voted for has been a real racist all his life, while “businessman” Trump was handing out checks to Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson.
You voted for this man, this man who has shutdown our energy industry, putting thousands of Americans out of work.
You voted for this man who’s a certified liar and a corrupt politician. Truly owned by China and Russia.
You voted for this man because President Trump was too vulgar, and his tweets were mean and crude. Sure, President Trump was harsh and direct to the point, better than the man you voted for who lies to your face and you’re ignorant enough to believe him.
You can thank the man you voted for next time you pull at the gas station and gas is more expensive. The man you voted for is setting to close another pipeline, the Line 5 pipeline. Expect prices to go even higher. Get your bicycle ready!
You can thank the man you voted for the next time you don’t get a pay raise and inflation continues to outpace your paycheck.
You can thank the man you voted for as he admits life for Americans is getting harder under his failed administration.
You can thank the man you voted for when your children come home from school with anxiety problems due to being labeled a racist or a victim because of the color of their skin.
You can thank the man you voted for; he appointed incompetent fools to his administration who claim the supply chain crisis is a “good thing”. Only a moron would think this to be true.
You can thank the man you voted for when your tax bill is even higher than you thought. If you believe the man you voted for is going after his rich buddies, you deserve to pay an “Ignorance Tax.”
You can thank the man you voted for; he has put this country on the verge of collapse, and you will collapse with it.
So, stop blaming conservatives, white people, President Trump, and every other excuse you can come up with for your miserable life. After all, you voted for it.
Thank you for your vote!