White People Need to Stand Up

When are white people going to take a stand against blacks who falsely, and freely, accuse them of being racists?
Unless you are a heartless true racist who hates everything black, own slaves, or hang black people from trees, you should not be falling for this false narrative and racist banter by some blacks in the United States. You need to fight back and reject this racist propaganda.
I am sure not all black people feel the way the new Showtime documentary ‘Everything’s Gonna be All White’ feels and portraits white Americans, but when you remain silent it means you approve.
This has been a trend for quite some time. White Americans, in an effort to ‘fit in’, have been guilty of allowing black people to get away with this war of innuendos and racial discord. So-called ‘White Guilt’ has emboldened black people to talk to white people whichever way they want and accuse them of things which are not true.
The new Showtime documentary is nothing more than a smorgasbord of racist garbage and hate speech towards white people. It promises to “give white America a black eye.” Seriously? This is ignorant, laughable, and racist.
The documentary goes on to describe “Whiteness” as a form of “ignorance.” Are these people stupid? One can’t choose the color of their skin. Talk about ignorance coming from so-called academics and celebrities. Anyone who thinks this way is ignorant and unworthy of a platform.
BLM, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, all have enriched themselves from black people miseries. White people and corporations have bowed down to these race hustlers for fear of being call racists when there is not proof of such racism taking place. Black American’s problems are not caused by white people, but by black people themselves.
Of course, it is easy to blame others for one’s inadequacies and victimhood. It has become such a profitable endeavor that crying racism over everything can get you a nice cash settlement.
As a Hispanic, and yes, I happened to be white, it is shameful to see white people not fighting back. They have allowed 13% of the population dictate how they ought to live and think.
If white people don’t comply it must be because they are ‘racists’, and white people have gone along with that notion.
I don’t blame black people for pulling off this garbage. I blame white people for allowing them to get away with it. When a black person accuses you of being a racist, instead of standing there and taking it, you need to tell that person to go to hell and ignore it.
Are there white racists in America? Of course. Are there black racists in America? Of course. To say otherwise would be hypocritical and a flat out lie. As it would be to say every white or black person in America is a racist.
I am not surprised outlets like Showtime are promoting this type of garbage. After all, the ‘Woke Movement’ is dying, so these ‘for profit’ racists need something to remain relevant and continue to cash-in.
Writer Pedro Gonzalez said it right, “The US is the only country in the world that not only demonizes its core demographic but encourages and celebrates that demonization.” He added, “it won’t stop until white people demand that it stops.”
Gonzalez is absolutely right. It is time for white people to reject this nonsense, stand up to it, and stop this insanity.