The United States Of America and Illegal Immigration

Taking The Societal Trash Other Countries Do Not Want

Come here legally or….Photo courtesy of the

Let us be honest, if you ask any doctor, lawyer, engineer, or a highly educated citizen in countries like Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, or Venezuela, if they want to leave their country, their answer will be a resounding no.

Why? Because these people enjoy a high-quality way of life in their own countries. For the most part, they are independently wealthy, with tight family ties.

On the other hand, the majority of the people entering the United States illegally, are low skilled, poorly educated, and many of them have criminal records.

The majority of them cannot speak or write their own language and come from the poorest regions in their countries of origin.

Under the Biden administration, these people receive $2500.00 dollars EBT cards, free telephones, health care, and housing, upon illegally entering the country. Our government is rewarding criminal behavior with taxpayers’ money, and it seems nobody is outraged by it.

You should be fuming over it. These people are a burden to our society, our social services, education system, and financial systems.

These illegal aliens are a problem to their own countries, and they have been shipped here in what it is nothing but societal cleansing. They are taking their trash out and dumping it in our front door.

Would you be fine with your neighbors dumping their trash in your front porch? I do not think so.

It seems our government is perfectly fine replacing the American citizen with third world, unskilled, uneducated, criminally inclined, and mentally disturbed individuals. People like this are easily manageable and have no loyalties towards our country laws or Constitution.

To make matters worse, it is alleged that our government is paying churches, sometimes as much as $1200.00 per illegal alien, to house them and provide shelter. Most of these illegal aliens have been bused or flown to small towns throughout America, sometimes outnumbering American citizens populations on those same towns.

This is egregious and Americans should be outraged by it. Illegal immigration is an existential threat to the social and moral fabric of our country. Illegal aliens are coming here unvetted, without identification papers, and dumped into our neighborhoods without our approval.

We should expect that people coming here illegally be processed and deported immediately. That is how a government that cares about its citizens ought to behave.

The United States of America is not the world’s human dumpster, and we should demand better from our government.