Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg

Why is it our presidents keep appointing unqualified people to important cabinet positions?
During the Trump administration, President Trump appointed Mitch McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao as Secretary of Transportation and she was a disaster.
Enter the Biden administration and the appointment of failed presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg, as Secretary of Transportation.
Pete Buttigieg knows nothing about transportation or interstate commerce. Biden appointed him to the position so he could say he had a gay person serving in his administration.
Personally, I do not have a problem with his sexual orientation, but why not appoint a gay person who knows what he or she is doing.
While the lad has been on “maternity” leave, store shelves have continued to remain empty, ports in California have been at a standstill, truckers are not allowed to operate in California, and prices on everything from bubble gum to canned meat continue to go up.
Upon his return, he was nowhere to be found. He finally decided to grant an interview to the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party, CNN.
During his interview, he made several comments that did not addressed the issue or were flat out ridiculous.
He told CNN, “Certainly, a lot of challenges that we have been experiencing this year will continue into next year.” That is comforting knowing our government does not have a plan.
“But there are both short-term and long-term steps that we can take to do something about it.” Of course, he could not say which steps they were ready to take.
To be funny, he suggested the supply chain issues causing prices to go up was, “beneficial.” To whom? Ah yes, to the ruling elite who does not shop where you little people shop, and do not have to worry about shortages.
He went on to say the sight of empty shelves was a sign Joe Biden had “successfully guided our economy out of the teeth of a terrifying recession.” Is this guy crazy?
We were not in a recession until the Biden administration took office. We are in a recession due to the failed economic policies of the Biden administration, period.
“Part of what’s happening isn’t the supply side, it is the demand side, demand is off the charts.” “Retail sales are through the roof. If you think about those images of ships, for example, waiting at anchor on the West Coast, every one of those ships is full of record amounts of goods that Americans are buying because demand is up, because income is up.”
Sure, but they cannot deliver because the Undertaker of California, Gavin Newsome and the Gargoyle of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, have put draconian regulations in place slowing down the process. So much for “privately owned” enterprises.
Retail sales are up because people are spending money they don’t have. When the hear the government talking about giving free stuff away for nothing in return; what is the point of being fiscally responsible?
As to higher incomes, I do not know how he can make that claim when workers are getting fired form their jobs over COVID-19 vaccinations. Perhaps he meant the politicians in Washington who go to D.C. broke and after a couple of terms they become multi-millionaires.
As he acknowledges supply chains cannot keep up, he used the opportunity to promote Biden’s multi-trillion dollar “infrastructure and reconciliation” bills. Because they think that throwing money at it is going to fix the problem.
Lastly, “Our supply chains…that’s a complicated system and mostly in private hands and rightly so. Our role is to be an honest broker, bring together all of the players, secure commitments and get solutions that will make it easier.”
An honest broker, sure Pete. That is why you have not produced a viable solution or have used the power of your department to get things moving.
Like Elaine Chao, Pete Buttigieg does not have the tools nor the know how to run anything of this magnitude.
I wonder if we are better off with him staying away. He is a small fish in the pond of Joe Biden’s incompetency.
*Quotes courtesy of One America News Network*