I am Just Waiting for The Day…

Joe Biden gives a job to someone qualified and not because of some perceived social qualifier.
Now that White House press secretary Jen Psaki is leaving the White House to join the lunatic fringe at MSNBC, her successor will be the current deputy secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre.
In typical Joe Biden fashion, of going for the lowest hanging fruit available, just as he did with his Supreme Court Justice nominee, he spoke of Jean-Pierre and why she was the person for the job, not by addressing her talent, but by touting her as the first openly gay White House press secretary and the first black woman to hold the position.
Once again, Joe Biden brags about giving a job to someone, not because they are qualified, but because they meet some type of left leaning social qualification.
He nominates and promotes a Supreme Court Justice based on her color and sex, and now he brags about appointing a White House press secretary based on her sex, color, and sexual orientation.
I will like to think these people would want to be recognized for their talents and not for some ridiculous social checkbox.
Perhaps someday Joe Biden will appoint someone to a job for no other reason than being the best qualified for the job, regardless or race, color, sexual orientation, etc, etc, etc.
One can only wish.