The United States of America is a Failed State

The year 2020 will be remembered as the year the United States became a failed state and began its move towards Soviet era style communism.

For a country who goes around the world dictating policy and lecturing countries on election policy and domestic governance, we have shown the world we are no different than countries like Venezuela or Cuba.

Sure, Americans enjoy many of the freedoms those countries do not afford to their own citizens, and most of them do not have to dumpster dive for their food just yet, but if you listen to the agenda the Democrats have in mind, we are not far from a societal and constitutional collapse of major proportions. 

The 2020 General Election produced what appears to be a fraudulent government and a fraudulent president, which is how most third world country leaders are elected, if elected at all.  Institutions like the Department of Justice, refused to address the voter fraud allegations, despite the fact of overwhelming evidence.

More egregious is the fact the United States Supreme Court refused to hear the cases and the United States Congress refused to exercise their constitutional duties under the United States Constitution.  Members of Congress, regardless of party affiliation, have a responsibility to bring into question any discrepancies in our electoral system, they failed. 

Lawmakers claimed there was nothing they could do about it.  Really?  What is the point of having elected officials if they are not going to do their jobs or even know their responsibilities under the Constitution?

The United States has been on a social down spiral since 2016 when a non-politician got elected to the presidency and the garden variety one was rejected by the American people.  I believe we have finally hit rock bottom in 2020.

When the President of the United States, the most powerful man in the world, has his social media accounts canceled; you know all is lost.  This is just the beginning towards the road to national socialism and communism, history repeating itself, from the Bolsheviks, to Hitler, to Castro, to Chavez.

The Democrats are going to do everything possible to steer the country towards a communist platform of government and the Republicans will not do anything about it to stop it. 

The same Republicans who complained about Facebook and Twitter, are the same hypocrites who take millions in campaign contributions from these same companies.   These companies are already showing how they can restrict our 1st Amendment rights under the excuse of “private business” and the Republicans, with the Democrats, are fine with it.  In today’s United States, your rights are expendable.

The new incoming administration is calling for “unity”.  This is the same people who for the last four years were calling on liberals to exercise acts of violence against law abiding conservatives and people they did not like or agreed with.

The only “unity” the Democrats want is for all conservatives to share the same barracks in re-education and concentration camps.  I would not be surprised if they use the Federal law enforcement apparatus to round up citizens and throw them in jail.  The same thing that was done under the Obama administration when he used the Internal Revenue Service to go after conservative groups.

The Democrats are inexplicably full of hate.  They are dangerous, and they use subversive domestic groups to do their dirty work.  The Speaker of the House and the “newly elected” president appear to be mentally unstable individuals who are willing to burn the country to the ground for their own political agenda. 

On January 12, 2021, Pelosi said this about the Capitol Hill rioters: “They chose their whiteness over democracy”.  Only a mentally ill person would say something as nonsensical.  The demonstrations were never about race, but fair elections. 

Democrats want to destroy our way of life by taking our rights, which are guaranteed by the Constitution, by force if necessary.  They want to change our country into a welfare state by creating a new class of citizen, a government dependent citizen.  They want to destroy our Constitution by eliminating, via government decree, our basic human rights.  The incoming administration has been clear in their intentions and the American people will pay the price.

We live in dangerous times and our Republic is at the verge of destruction by those in our own government.  Our institutions are corrupted and cannot be trusted to protect us, the citizens.

If Democrats can govern like a third world dictatorship, our country will be no different than China or the former Soviet Union. 

The Democrats have impeached President Trump, for the second time, with just a few days left on his presidency. Why, because they do not like him.  If they can do something like this to a sitting president, imagine what they have in store for you and me.

The perceived reality, based on the evidence available, is the “newly elected” president was elected via voter fraud and he is not a legitimate leader in the eyes of many Americans and leaders worldwide.  Our place at the word table is shaky and every diplomatic advancement accomplished in the last four years is in serious jeopardy.  The world was watching and took notice; the empire has fallen.

For the next two years we will hear so-called conservatives actively campaigning to buy our vote with false promises and statements such as, “don’t worry, we will get the power back in two years”.  Do not be fooled, Republicans enjoy the idea of being in power, Democrats exercise their power, even in the minority.

The voter fraud machine created by the Democrats, right under the noses of the Republican party, will not allow Republicans to be in power for decades to come.  Mostly because Republicans do not have the guts to challenge the Democrats on it as demonstrated in the 2020 election.

What has happened in America will be forever remembered as the time when the United States of America became a failed state.