Illegal Immigration: The Cleansing of American Society

In a little over two weeks, Joe Biden has managed to destroy all the advancements achieved during the Trump administration regarding immigration.

From “Zero Tolerance” on illegal border prosecutions, halting construction of the border wall, doubling down on DACA, and ending the visa ban on mostly third world Muslim countries under the excuse the Trump administration was targeting Muslims, when in fact these countries which include Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, are sponsors of terrorism.

This is just to name a few of the things Joe Biden has done to make our country a safe haven for terrorists, drug dealers, child smugglers, and illegal aliens.

If you think the Department of Homeland Security under the supervision of newly confirmed Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, is going to enforce the rules and the law, you are in for a big surprise.  All you are going to see is more of the lawlessness experienced during the Obama years. 

Alejandro Mayorkas comes to office with a bag full of scandal, from ethics violations to pushing Democrat agendas while in charge of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services.

They cheer the fact he is the first “Latino” to serve in the capacity of DHS Secretary.  Spare me the cheers, as a former DHS employee, I am embarrassed that a scandal ridden individual oversees our country’s security, regardless of ethnicity.   

We had some weak and ineffective secretaries during my tenure at DHS, but not even G.W. Bush or Obama appointees were as bad as Mayorkas.  DHS employees, and the American people, are going wish to they had President Trump back in charge.

As an American of Spanish heritage, I despise illegal immigration and illegal aliens.  As a former law enforcement officer, even more so.

Illegal aliens are a burden to our system and pose a threat to the security of our country.  It is ironic that countries who export these people to our border do not export their “best and brightest”.  We only get the sick, uneducated, and criminal element. 

Of course, it is a business of demand.  Since Americans are too lazy to work the fields and farmers need cheap labor, Washington looks the other way while eating their freshly picked strawberries.

What we are witnessing is the “cleansing” of the American society.  The American citizen has been systematically replaced by the non-citizen because the non-citizen is easy to mold, easy to be programmed.

Illegal aliens have no loyalty towards our Constitution or system of law, so they have nothing to fight for, nothing to be proud of.  They just take from hard working Americans, they get “free everything”; housing, healthcare, education, childcare, basically all the things hard working Americans must pay for.

Meanwhile, thousands of people trying to come to our country legally must wait in line, and face the bureaucracy, to enjoy the privileged of becoming an American citizen.  The system is broken because of people like Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, they think of the American citizen as second class while fighting for the illegal alien. 

American citizenship is a privilege, and in my opinion, an honor.  To call yourself an American should be something to be proud of, and if you are not a legal citizen, you should earn that privilege.  Unfortunately, the Democrats and their cronies in the Chamber of Commerce, think illegal aliens are better than you and me.

Next time your congressman tries to sell you a sob story about why we need illegal aliens in our country, remind him or her that you can do your own laundry, cook your own meals, and cut your own grass.  That is the American Way!