The Unremarkable Joe Biden

A Weak President on Times of Much Needed Strength

One of the first signs of being a weak leader is when such a leader goes overseas to air his or her country’s dirty laundry.

Obama did it when he went to the Middle East to bow to the Sheiks and apologize for America’s leadership throughout the world and now Joe Biden has done it again at the NATO summit.

Instead of talking about the issue at hand, the Russia/Ukraine conflict, these are some of the irrelevant gems this man shared with our NATO ally’s courtesy of the

  • President Biden said Monday that he’s assured NATO allies that the Republican party is “vastly diminished,” and they need not fear a repeat of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
  • “The Republican Party is vastly diminished in numbers, the leadership of the Republican Party is fractured, and the Trump wing of the party is the bulk of the party, but it makes up a significant minority of the American people,” 
  • Referring to January 6, he continued, “I think that they’ve seen things happen as we have that shocked and surprised them, but I think they believe, like I do, that the American people are not going to sustain that kind of behavior,” 
  • He called the Jan. 6 assault a “shock and surprise,” adding that the chaos stemmed from President Trump’s “phony populism.” He also took a swipe at Republican senators who resisted a bipartisan, independent commission to investigate the Capitol riot.
  • “It is disappointing that so many of my former colleagues in the Senate, who I know know better, have been reluctant to take on an investigation because they are worried about being primaried.”

This is what we have representing us on the world stage. An old buffoonish character who has no respect for our country and who goes around spreading lies to our allies about the state of our country’s politics.

The Republican Party is not “vastly diminished,” unless he means that as long as his party can steal elections they will never be in power.

Joe Biden has done such a dismal job on all fronts; the Republicans are bound to take the majorities on the House of Representatives and the Senate on the 2022 mid-term elections. Only Joe Biden believes in his dementia ridden world that he has done a great job.

He keeps running around with the January 6th narrative which most intelligent people understand it was done by a dedicated group of people, nothing more. Nobody involved in that riot killed anyone as Joe Biden told NATO today, that is a lie and a disgusting one at that.

The only innocent person killed on January 6th was Air Force veteran Ashley Babbitt by a Capitol Police officer.

Joe Biden not only embarrassed himself but embarrassed our country. He offered NATO nothing but a laundry list of lies and a bunch of crocodile tears. He cried to NATO about the Republicans and Donald Trump. I am sure NATO does not care about his own personal issues.

Perhaps Joe Biden is dealing with his own conscience, perhaps he knows he is a phoney and needs the reassurance from NATO that he is a great leader, but even NATO knows Joe Biden is not the right leader to lead and defeat Vladimir Putin.

What have we got from this meeting? Nothing that would benefit the American people. The only thing we got was the promise from Joe Biden to take 100,000 Ukrainian refugees.

We do not need more refugees while American citizens are going hungry and homeless. With a 7% rate of inflation, and gas prices through the roof, the United States cannot absorb more refugees in addition to the thousands of illegal aliens crossing our southern border.

He also stated an investment of over $320 million, tax payers, dollars in “democracy” and “human rights” funding in Ukraine and neighboring countries. Is this guy serious? Ukraine does not believe in human rights or democracy. Zelenski is an autocrat, but of course, he is Biden’s buddy.

Only two years ago the American media portrayed Ukraine as a corrupt, totalitarian, and untrustworthy country, but today Ukraine is a bastion of democracy. Sounds like a bad joke written by the comedian Zelenski himself.

Joe Biden is weak, and the media continues with their attempts to cover up his weakness.

Fortunately, the American people knows better.