Do Not be Fooled by It, We Are Not

I am not on Facebook, Twitter, or any of those other social media sites. In my opinion, they are just cesspools of useless, mostly one-sided conversations, and some people use them to say things that otherwise they would not have the guts to say in person. Nevertheless, they are being used to spread misinformation about the Russia-Ukraine conflict and its effect on the United States.
Saddle up, here we go again, the ‘We are in this together’ baloney. Now, over gas prices and how we need to sacrifice to help the Ukrainian people. Everyone is changing their avatars to the Ukrainian flag and if you dare to complain about paying exorbitant gas prices, you are some sort of evil person.
The reality is most of these people could not find Ukraine on a map or even care about it. Ukraine is the ‘Flavor of the Month’ for liberals and the virtue signal police, nothing more.
This is one of the problems with social media and faceless actors. It is use as a bully pulpit by those who think they are better than you or know what is good for you.
‘We are in this together’ is liberals favorite go-to phrase. Is like a warm blanket that provides cover for their own hypocrisies.
The problem is that we are not in this together. While you are paying over $5.00 for a gallon of gas in places like California, our so-called Europeans allies continue to import Russian energy to satisfy their needs.
This is the same thing liberals did during the George Floyd riots. While businesses and cities were being torched, social media keyboard warriors wanted to tell the American people, ‘We are in this together.’
But we were not. I do not know anyone, including myself, who supported Black Lives Matter and Antifa burning cities and businesses to the ground. Those were crimes, nothing more.
Nobody I know thinks is fair for the United States to pay higher energy prices while European countries continue to buy oil and gas from Russia to fulfill their citizen’s needs. Once again, we are going at it alone and without a plan.
Biden voters and our government want to blame everything that is going in the United States on Russia. Inflation? Russia, gas prices? Russia, meat prices? Russia, and the list goes on and on.
All of that is absolutely false. All these problems were created by Joe Biden prior to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Sure, the Russian invasion threw another wrench into the machine, but it is not the main cause, this problem was homegrown and nurtured by the resident in the White House.
The same people who voted for Joe Biden now want you to believe none of this is his fault. They want to cover his ineptitude by trying to make you feel guilty for criticizing him. They want to deflect from the fact they voted for this incompetent fella and he is the reason why things are going south in the United States.
Do not fall for it. Sure, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has put a dent on an already bad economy and rising energy prices, but the culprit of this crisis resides in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Biden made things so bad, now we have to beg rogue nations like Venezuela to fulfill our energy needs. Folks, this is a country under United States sanctions.
Next time your virtue signaling friends try to guilt you into believing paying more for gasoline and other goods is in your best interest, remind them they were the ones who voted for this mess.
Remind them that we are not in this together, the United States is at it alone and we are the ones paying for it.
Let us be honest, paying $20.00 for a gallon of gasoline would not save a child in Ukraine no more than it would save a child from been aborted in the United States.
The reality may be cruel, but it remains the reality.