Wickedness, Lunacy, and The Elitist Cult of Climate Change

The World Is Burning and It Is Your Fault

As the evil disposition of the richest people in the world continues, the International Country Club for third world dictators, better known as the United Nations, wants to guilt you into believing that you are responsible for the worldwide heatwave.

The Climate Change cultists are gather in Berlin to talk about the climate “crisis.” Notice how we have gone from climate change to climate crisis and according to them it is your fault. Poppycock!

While you are paying higher prices for everything from energy to food, the elitists at the United Nations are traveling all over the world on their private jets, traversing the roads in their armor protected gasoline driven SUV’s, and eating real juicy Kobe beef stakes.

Believe it folks, they do it not because they are a bunch of hypocrites, they do it because they are corrupt at heart.

The reason Europe is burning is not because of climate change nonsense. They are burning because they have no independent energy to cool their homes, and by joining the Biden administration in fighting a proxy war with Russia, they have cut themselves from the only source of energy available to Europe.

Furthermore, as one who traveled to Europe for 15 years, I can tell you, current temperatures in Europe are normal summer temperatures for this time of the year. This people are flat out lying and they know it.

As long as they continue to support the Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev, Europe will continue to suffer. Understand, the United States cannot fill the energy gap and many countries in the European Union have cutoff their own nuclear and coal energy sources.

The only way to tackle the so-called climate crisis is to use a common sense approach to energy production. Oil has been part of the earth ecosystem for millions of years and it will continue to be for many millions to come.

This hypocrites, and their dreams of a ‘One World Liberal Order,’ will not give up their lifestyles to save the planet, that is a fact. Instead, they want you and me to give up ours for their own survival.

The planet is a well oiled machine that has been around longer than the human race and it will be around long after the human race remove itself from it.

This is nothing more than elitist propaganda. Educate yourself and stop believing these people. This people have some serious issues and all they care about is how to get rid of you. They are pure evil and they represent hell on earth.

Planet Earth is not going anywhere, planet Earth is waiting for us to leave.