Nick Piastowski

Anybody who follows golf news knows about Nick Piastowski. Nick is one of those media hacks that could not do anything else as a journalist, so he became a sensationalist buffoon.
Not to outdo himself, he has laid another egg for all of us to read and make fun of his ridiculous and petty writing.
The story speaks for itself, so I will not bother you with the details. In a nutshell, it seems this media hack did not like the fact Phil Mickelson was wearing a black mask while filming a LIV Golf promo in Rwanda.
I know Nick is an idiot and his attempts to pass his articles as “news” is a joke all in itself, but to suggest Phil Mickelson is some type of racist because he was wearing a black mask, is petty and low.
Nick is a pathetic fool and he has earned my Stupid Person of the Week award.
Shame on for allowing such a media hack to operate under their banner.
Get a real job Nick!