Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Wants You to Feel The Pain

As French President Macron and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman are telling Joe Biden his dreams of green energy are out of touch and unsustainable, the transportation secretary is rejoicing about high gasoline and energy prices in a congressional hearing.
Secretary Buttigieg thinks that is perfectly fine for the average American to suffer as a result of high gas prices. This is the type of out of touch statement I expect from an inexperience bureaucrat like Buttigieg.
According to Buttigieg, if you suffer at the pump, you will be more incline to buy a $65,000 electric vehicle. Seriously? Most Americans cannot afford to buy an electric vehicle and we do not have the infrastructure to support such a thing.
To think we can survive without fossil fuels is absurd. They talk about saving the earth, but they fail to mention that in order to build an electric car, they have to rob the earth of all the rare earths and chemicals necessary for their construction.
Electric car batteries are hard to make and the process contributes more to so-called climate change than drilling for oil. In addition, disposing of such batteries is a whole different issue for which the federal government does not have a plan.
The materials required to build an electric car battery consist of harmful chemicals and rare earths. Lithium, Lead Acid, Polymer, Zinc-Air, Molten Salts, Sodium Sulfur, and Sodium Nickle Chloride.
If you feel nerdy, I encourage you to read about each one of the aforementioned chemicals, it is eye opening.
The Democrats and the green energy lunatics hate you, they want you on the ground, face down, while they put their own boot on your neck.
As Joe Biden attempts to bankrupt you and the country with climate change emergency proclamations and executive orders, remember, this is all by design and it is meant to hurt you and me.
Remember this come November and vote accordingly, your future depends on it.