While watching last week Senate hearings featuring, Dr. Fauci, CDC Director, Dr. Redfield, and FDA Director, Dr. Hahn, I realized we are living in an American Nightmare.
I never thought I would witness the erosion, in real time, of our Constitutional rights and liberties, one Article at a time.
I didn’t serve my country to see the freedoms I fought for, being taken away by politicians and bureaucrats over a virus. I get it, the virus is serious and people have died because of it, but people die in car accidents, people die of heart attacks, people die of the seasonal flu, people die of natural causes.
We don’t cease to exist because of it. We don’t stop working; businesses don’t go out of business. So why is this happening? Why is our government deliberately bankrupting our country, bankrupting our spirit, bankrupting our future, not only economically, but as a super power?
Why is the government purposely stripping us, the citizens, from our rights given to us by God and the United States Constitution? Why?
I’m embarrassed, insulted, saddened, at a loss, confused, and I feel betrayed by my country, the country I love and gave 29 years of my life defending.
When I look around and see empty streets, empty stores, people walking around like zombies, it pisses me off. This is not the America I know.
America today looks like Venezuela. No toilet paper, no hand sanitizer, no flour, no meat…The only difference is that we still have our 2nd amendment and most people are not dumpster diving for their food, yet.
Some governors are acting like third world dictators, with complete disregard towards the same people who put them in charge. Hugo Chavez would be proud of these miscreants and the way these State executives are suppressing their populations.
That’s exactly what Hugo Chavez did to his people under the promises of free stuff that didn’t exist. Hugo Chavez used to walk the streets and point out to a building or business and say, “That belongs to me”, meaning the State.
Today Americans in Blue States, and some Red States, are experiencing what Venezuelans have experienced for decades. Remember, Venezuelans voted for their misery.
How will this all end? I don’t know. I am afraid the American people have been scared to death by an irresponsible media and inaccurate predictions by those spewed by Dr. Anthony Fauci. I don’t know if the American people have the will to fight back for what is rightfully theirs. Freedom is not free! Our Founding Fathers knew this too well and we better not forget it.
You have to remember, once the government takes those first steps towards tyranny, without objections from the citizenry, every action afterwards becomes easier and easier.
It is up to us to tell our government how we want to be governed, that’s why we have elections. These politicians work for us, but many of them get into government for power and money. They forget why people voted for them in the first place. It is amazing to me how many of these shoddy politicians get elected time and time again.
It is time to take our country back, peacefully and constitutionally. It is important for us to show up on November 3rd and vote in person.
If you can stand in line at Home Depot, you can definitely stand in line to vote. Your future, your life, your freedom, may depend on it.