The Decline of the American Military; the Legacy of Joe Biden and Covid-19

Unfortunately, this is not a laughing matter….

When I served in the military, from 1988 to 1992, we had two major conflicts, Just Cause and the Persian Gulf War.  On both occasions we were victorious and successful accomplishing the mission at hand.

Move forward to the George W. Bush administration and the so called “War on Terror”.  Our military has been bogged down in Afghanistan for 21 years with little to show for.  Of course, unless you consider protecting drug lords, warlords, and Opium fields a worthy endeavor. 

In 2008 Barack Obama became President and the military became a political tool for social engineering.  During the 8 years of the Obama administration the United States military was weaken, embarrassed, poorly trained, and ill equipped.   They cared more about gays in the military and transgenderism while completely neglecting our military readiness.

The world laughed while our sailors were taken hostage by the Iranian Navy and the United States did nothing to stop it.  It was a very dark time in the history for the strongest military force in the world.

Thankfully, in 2016, President Donald J. Trump got elected to office and he restored our military to a place of leadership.  We were, once again, respected and feared by our adversaries.  Our military got the resources they needed to deal with the global threats, and despite the fact we had some weak leaders, our military was strong and well equipped.

I guess all good things come to an end.  In 2020, Joe Biden got elected to office and with him the end of our military might.

Since Biden got into office the military has, once again, become a social experiment.  From taxpayer funded transition surgery and therapy for transgenders to Critical Race Theory garbage.  Meanwhile, Russia and China continue to operate right under our noses while devaluing our currency and hacking our infrastructure.

Our military has not only become a social experiment under Biden but is fixing to become a laboratory experiment.   Secretary Austin issued a memorandum to all DOD employees, including uniform personnel, ordering mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations by September 15th or face penalties.   For an “all-volunteer” fighting force, this comes right out of the Little Red Book or the Communist Manifesto.

Before I got deployed to the Persian Gulf, I was injected with many things, and I didn’t know what they were.  But I wasn’t told to get them, nor ordered.  I could have declined, and nothing would have happened.  Today, our members in the military have been ordered to put their own lives on the line or else.

This is no different than telling someone they have two choices, either jump off the cliff or take a bullet to the head. 

At this very moment, members of the military are consulting with lawyers and rightly so.  Nobody should be ordered to put anything in their bodies without their consent.  What happened to the liberal mantra “My Body, my Choice”?

This action by the President and the Secretary of Defense only weakens our readiness.  Sure, a unit may be out for a couple of weeks if infected, but that’s pretty much the extent of it.  On the other hand, a soldier can die from these untested vaccines and the families have zero recourse.  Thanks to the Trump administration these pharmaceuticals are immune from prosecution and lawsuits.

I think under these new set of circumstances, I believe members of the military should apply for exemptions, either medical or administrative.   Flood the system with bureaucracy and they may rethink their approach.

With all this turmoil and social experimentation in our military, frankly, I am surprised Canada hasn’t invaded us yet.

An American Nightmare

Nightmares anyone? Image courtesy of

While watching last week Senate hearings featuring, Dr. Fauci, CDC Director, Dr. Redfield, and FDA Director, Dr. Hahn, I realized we are living in an American Nightmare.

I never thought I would witness the erosion, in real time, of our Constitutional rights and liberties, one Article at a time.

I didn’t serve my country to see the freedoms I fought for, being taken away by politicians and bureaucrats over a virus.  I get it, the virus is serious and people have died because of it, but people die in car accidents, people die of heart attacks, people die of the seasonal flu, people die of natural causes.

We don’t cease to exist because of it.  We don’t stop working; businesses don’t go out of business.  So why is this happening?  Why is our government deliberately bankrupting our country, bankrupting our spirit, bankrupting our future, not only economically, but as a super power?

Why is the government purposely stripping us, the citizens, from our rights given to us by God and the United States Constitution?  Why?

I’m embarrassed, insulted, saddened, at a loss, confused, and I feel betrayed by my country, the country I love and gave 29 years of my life defending.

When I look around and see empty streets, empty stores, people walking around like zombies, it pisses me off.  This is not the America I know.

America today looks like Venezuela.  No toilet paper, no hand sanitizer, no flour, no meat…The only difference is that we still have our 2nd amendment and most people are not dumpster diving for their food, yet.

Some governors are acting like third world dictators, with complete disregard towards the same people who put them in charge.  Hugo Chavez would be proud of these miscreants and the way these State executives are suppressing their populations.

That’s exactly what Hugo Chavez did to his people under the promises of free stuff that didn’t exist.  Hugo Chavez used to walk the streets and point out to a building or business and say, “That belongs to me”, meaning the State.

Today Americans in Blue States, and some Red States, are experiencing what Venezuelans have experienced for decades.  Remember, Venezuelans voted for their misery.

How will this all end?  I don’t know.  I am afraid the American people have been scared to death by an irresponsible media and inaccurate predictions by those spewed by Dr. Anthony Fauci.  I don’t know if the American people have the will to fight back for what is rightfully theirs.  Freedom is not free!  Our Founding Fathers knew this too well and we better not forget it.

You have to remember, once the government takes those first steps towards tyranny, without objections from the citizenry, every action afterwards becomes easier and easier.

It is up to us to tell our government how we want to be governed, that’s why we have elections.  These politicians work for us, but many of them get into government for power and money.  They forget why people voted for them in the first place.  It is amazing to me how many of these shoddy politicians get elected time and time again.

It is time to take our country back, peacefully and constitutionally.  It is important for us to show up on November 3rd and vote in person. 

If you can stand in line at Home Depot, you can definitely stand in line to vote.  Your future, your life, your freedom, may depend on it.

Is Mask Shaming the New American Discrimination?

Would Lady Liberty approve? I think not. Image courtesy of

These are the facts; the CDC and the President’s medical “Top Dog”, Dr. Anthony Fauci, have clearly stated wearing a mask would not prevent an individual from contracting the Covid-19 virus.  Only those infected or under the suspicion of infection, are the ones who should be wearing the masks to avoid infecting those of us that are healthy.  These are the facts and they are indisputable.

On March 2, 2020, the Surgeon General told people not to buy masks to combat the virus.  He warned those buying the masks of the possibilities of accelerating the risk of infection by improperly wearing those masks.

He was absolutely correct.  An incorrectly fitted mask does more harm than good.  When I was a Lieutenant with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, part of my duties was the transportation of inmates between facilities.  In several occasions I transported inmates with respiratory illnesses such as tuberculosis. In order to be able to do my job, I had to be properly fitted for a respirator.  The fitting was documented by the Safety Manager as required by Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

If you think a bandana, a scarf, a piece of cloth, or Michael Myers rubber mask, is going to protect you, think again.  Even a N95 mask, as good as it is, it is only effective for 8 hours of constant use.  People wearing a N95 mask without proper fitting are wasting their time, money, and putting themselves and others at risk..

It seems the country has gone mad over wearing a mask and criminals are taking advantage of this to commit crimes.  To bring this craziness into perspective, the following is a case demonstrating my point:

On April 7, 2020, it was reported on the N.Y. Daily News, “Two crooks smashed into a Brooklyn grocery store, stole a cash register, with three dozens of Red Bull.  The crooks were wearing what appeared to be N95 masks”.

Then you have the public stigma of wearing a mask or not wearing a mask.

On February 5, 2020, the N.Y. Post reported a woman wearing a mask was attacked at the Chinatown subway station after allegedly been called a “diseased bitch”.

On March 11, 2020, an Asian woman was punched in the face in Midtown Manhattan, after a person asked her, “Where is your fucking mask?”  She was entering a building when she was grabbed by the hair and punched in the face.

This is unacceptable in a civilized society and any person who engages in this type of behavior, be physical or otherwise, should be ashamed and criminally held liable.  They should be prosecuted to the fullest.  In my opinion, this is discriminatory behavior and should not be tolerated.

Many Americans don’t know or understand that in China, wearing a mask is a way of life due to the high levels of pollution.  Several years ago I went to Beijing on business and as soon as I exited the airport, the smog hit me in the face.  This is the main reason most people wear mask in mainland China.

In Japan, seen people wearing a mask are a common scene.  They mostly wear them to help prevent the spread of the seasonal flu and against pollen in the spring.  They have been doing this for over a decade.

I knew this type of barbaric behavior was going to surface after the “We are in this together” started to wear out.  I’m not surprised; I saw this same thin after 9/11/2001.  Everybody was waving their little American flags and six months later they were back to their usual selfish and obnoxious ways.

Which brings me to the following question:  Who these people think they are to tell others what to do?  To assault people at will?

This is America and people are free to do as they please as long as it is lawful.  Choosing to wear or not to wear a mask is not unlawful!  Healthy people, like me, should not be made to wear or shame into wearing a mask.  Especially when we are within our rights, granted to us by God and the Constitution, to make those decisions as American citizens and human beings.  Also, choosing not to wear a mask is within the guidelines issued by our own government, therefore legal.

I have been fortunate that not one person has dare to approach me or lecture me.  Sure, they give me “the look”, but that’s as I far as they go. 

My suggestion is this, if you are so scared to go out and you feel the need to dress like a serial killer to feel safe, stay home.   When I see someone close to me wearing a mask, the first thing I think is “this person is infected”.

Most of the people are uninformed, or get their information from the main stream media, and think wearing a mask with their favorite NBA logo on it makes them better people or safer.  Hello!  That cheap mask is not going to do much when those droplets are landing in your eyes.  Those droplets can travel up to 27 feet into the air.  I guess the six feet of separation theory goes out of the window.

From a philosophical standpoint, to me the mask is a symbol of oppression and submission.  It represents the government’s attempt to shut us down as a country, society, and human beings.  It is one thing to wear the mask because I choose to do so; it is a different story when ordered by government.

This insanity is such, that many private businesses are refusing services to healthy individuals who have chosen not to wear a mask.  Some of these businesses have been encouraged by our own politicians to do so.  Shameful!

I, for one, will not patronize a business that requires me to wear a mask, period.   One of the purposes of going out to a restaurant or a bar is to have a good time and socialize, and wearing a mask defeats that purpose.  I would rather stay home, have a nice home cooked meal with my wife, than going to an establishment and feel like I am among a bunch of zombies.

I am going to suggest to my fellow Americans; mind your own business!  Worry about you and your loved ones.  If you want to wear a mask, wear it, but don’t go around lecturing other Americans on how to live their life’s as Americans.

Is wearing the mask or not the “new normal” discrimination?  I believe it is and innocent people are going to get hurt in the process, as it has already happened.

Federalism or Socialism? The Choice is Yours!

Governors, Federalism or Socialism? The Choice is Yours. Image courtesy of Bing

The beauty, or curse, of a recession is that it exposes the fiscal irresponsibility of those living on borrowed money.

I reviewed four states, with information courtesy of, and the fiscal irresponsibility is astonishing.  New York, New Jersey, California, and Illinois, none of the states ranked higher than 41 out of 50 states in fiscal health.  The study done by the Mercatus Center was for a period of 10 years, from 2006 to 2016, and they issued their rankings in 2018.

These same states are currently asking the Federal government for a financial bailout using the Coronavirus as an excuse.  Are they serious?  These are the same governors who told President Trump he didn’t have the authority to tell them when to open their state economies.   Under the Article X of the Constitution they are right, but the President could use the Commerce Clause to change that, but that’s a different discussion all together.

The bottom line is they can’t have it both ways, are they for Federalism all the way or none, it is that simple.

These governors are using the Coronavirus pandemic to ask the Federal government to “pay off” their state debts.  In my opinion, this is in clear conflict with the tenets of the 10th amendment.  Article X clearly defines Federalism which is the relationship between states and the Federal government.

The reality is these states were not ready for the Coronavirus pandemic or any other state emergency, despite the fact emergency preparedness it is the responsibility of each individual state or local jurisdiction.  To blame the Trump administration for their lackluster response is short sided and wrong.

The Federal government stepped in and provided states with ventilators, masks, and Personal Protective Equipment.  This equipment should have been already in the possesion of hospitals, but they were not ready and clinical directors care more about the bottom dollar than emergency readiness.

All of this at the expense of private companies like General Motors and 3M, who were told by the Federal government to drop their products in favor of producing medical equipment at a loss.

The federal government is not responsible for the emergency preparedness of states or local jurisdictions.  The only time the Federal government is required to assist is in the event of a national emergency declaration, and it has to be approved by the President.  Even then, states are to use the federal resources for the benefit of their citizens, not their state deficits and budgets.

Bailing out state governments is a bad idea.  It will set a bad fiscal precedent and will encourage poorly managed state governments to continue with reckless spending and sky rocketing deficits. 

From a constitutional stand point, it doesn’t make sense.  I believe it would be in complete contradiction with Article X and the concept of Federalism.

Would states asking for this federal bailout be willing to give up their own sovereignty and accept the Federal government as their ruler?  Only time will tell.

The following are the four states I reviewed and their fiscal health and rankings as of 2016.  I only concentrated on long term liabilities, unfunded guaranteed pensions, and other post employment benefits. 

41- New York

  • Long Term Liabilities:  58% of total assets which is lower than the national average. 
  • Unfunded Guaranteed Pension Liabilities:  $442.44 billion dollars or 35% of the state personal income.  The National Average is $14.51 billion dollars.
  • Other Post Employment Benefits:  $88.50 billion dollars of 7% of state personal income.

42- California

  • Long Term Liabilities:  92% of total assets which is higher than the national average.
  • Unfunded Guaranteed Pension Liabilities:  $1, 190.84 billion dollars or 54% of the state personal income.  The National Average is $14.51 billion dollars.
  • Other Post Employment Benefits:  $106.06 billion dollars of 5% of state personal income.

48- New Jersey

  • Long Term Liabilities:  388% of total assets which is higher than the national average.
  • Unfunded Guaranteed Pension Liabilities:  $272.54 billion dollars or 49% of state personal income.  The National Average is $14.51 billion dollars.
  • Other Post Employment Benefits:  $85.42 billion dollars of 15% of state personal income.


  • Long Term Liabilities:  330% of total assets which is higher than the national average.
  • Unfunded Guaranteed Pension Liabilities:  $445.79 billion dollars or 67% of state personal income.  The National Average is $14.51 billion dollars.
  • Other Post Employment Benefits:  $51.90 billion dollars of 8% of state personal income.

This is just a small sample of how states are running their jurisdictions with reckless disregard for tax payers.  There are many other states that are in the same irresponsible boat, but these four are the major “town criers”.

At this very moment, Senate Leader McConnell and President Trump are considering giving states the bailout they are asking for, and I will tell them to stay resolute and say, no.  This will only encourage more bad behavior and it will take the country into a recession and more debt. 

As it is, I believe the country has already reached Stagflation as high inflation is almost unavoidable and high unemployment is already there.

This is How I Fight the Coronavirus; One Birdie at a Time!

I love playing golf and spending time outdoors, so what a better way to defeat this virus than being outdoors on a beautiful day.

This is my definition of “The American Way”. The freedom to do as I please without some bureaucrat, sitting on a fancy leather chair, telling me how to live my life. Here I am, playing my first round of golf of the season and enjoying every second of it. Luckily for me, my local government had enough common sense to understand golf is an outside sport that can be played individually and with minimal close contact, if any.

Thank God, I don’t have to be stuck at home watching television with its commercials trying to convince me every second of “new normals”. I also don’t need to watch news briefings telling me something I already know. Living with good old common sense goes a long way.

I know many people will not agree with me, and that’s fine, but this is my America and I’m going to live it and enjoy it as an American!