The United States of America is a Failed State

The year 2020 will be remembered as the year the United States became a failed state and began its move towards Soviet era style communism.

For a country who goes around the world dictating policy and lecturing countries on election policy and domestic governance, we have shown the world we are no different than countries like Venezuela or Cuba.

Sure, Americans enjoy many of the freedoms those countries do not afford to their own citizens, and most of them do not have to dumpster dive for their food just yet, but if you listen to the agenda the Democrats have in mind, we are not far from a societal and constitutional collapse of major proportions. 

The 2020 General Election produced what appears to be a fraudulent government and a fraudulent president, which is how most third world country leaders are elected, if elected at all.  Institutions like the Department of Justice, refused to address the voter fraud allegations, despite the fact of overwhelming evidence.

More egregious is the fact the United States Supreme Court refused to hear the cases and the United States Congress refused to exercise their constitutional duties under the United States Constitution.  Members of Congress, regardless of party affiliation, have a responsibility to bring into question any discrepancies in our electoral system, they failed. 

Lawmakers claimed there was nothing they could do about it.  Really?  What is the point of having elected officials if they are not going to do their jobs or even know their responsibilities under the Constitution?

The United States has been on a social down spiral since 2016 when a non-politician got elected to the presidency and the garden variety one was rejected by the American people.  I believe we have finally hit rock bottom in 2020.

When the President of the United States, the most powerful man in the world, has his social media accounts canceled; you know all is lost.  This is just the beginning towards the road to national socialism and communism, history repeating itself, from the Bolsheviks, to Hitler, to Castro, to Chavez.

The Democrats are going to do everything possible to steer the country towards a communist platform of government and the Republicans will not do anything about it to stop it. 

The same Republicans who complained about Facebook and Twitter, are the same hypocrites who take millions in campaign contributions from these same companies.   These companies are already showing how they can restrict our 1st Amendment rights under the excuse of “private business” and the Republicans, with the Democrats, are fine with it.  In today’s United States, your rights are expendable.

The new incoming administration is calling for “unity”.  This is the same people who for the last four years were calling on liberals to exercise acts of violence against law abiding conservatives and people they did not like or agreed with.

The only “unity” the Democrats want is for all conservatives to share the same barracks in re-education and concentration camps.  I would not be surprised if they use the Federal law enforcement apparatus to round up citizens and throw them in jail.  The same thing that was done under the Obama administration when he used the Internal Revenue Service to go after conservative groups.

The Democrats are inexplicably full of hate.  They are dangerous, and they use subversive domestic groups to do their dirty work.  The Speaker of the House and the “newly elected” president appear to be mentally unstable individuals who are willing to burn the country to the ground for their own political agenda. 

On January 12, 2021, Pelosi said this about the Capitol Hill rioters: “They chose their whiteness over democracy”.  Only a mentally ill person would say something as nonsensical.  The demonstrations were never about race, but fair elections. 

Democrats want to destroy our way of life by taking our rights, which are guaranteed by the Constitution, by force if necessary.  They want to change our country into a welfare state by creating a new class of citizen, a government dependent citizen.  They want to destroy our Constitution by eliminating, via government decree, our basic human rights.  The incoming administration has been clear in their intentions and the American people will pay the price.

We live in dangerous times and our Republic is at the verge of destruction by those in our own government.  Our institutions are corrupted and cannot be trusted to protect us, the citizens.

If Democrats can govern like a third world dictatorship, our country will be no different than China or the former Soviet Union. 

The Democrats have impeached President Trump, for the second time, with just a few days left on his presidency. Why, because they do not like him.  If they can do something like this to a sitting president, imagine what they have in store for you and me.

The perceived reality, based on the evidence available, is the “newly elected” president was elected via voter fraud and he is not a legitimate leader in the eyes of many Americans and leaders worldwide.  Our place at the word table is shaky and every diplomatic advancement accomplished in the last four years is in serious jeopardy.  The world was watching and took notice; the empire has fallen.

For the next two years we will hear so-called conservatives actively campaigning to buy our vote with false promises and statements such as, “don’t worry, we will get the power back in two years”.  Do not be fooled, Republicans enjoy the idea of being in power, Democrats exercise their power, even in the minority.

The voter fraud machine created by the Democrats, right under the noses of the Republican party, will not allow Republicans to be in power for decades to come.  Mostly because Republicans do not have the guts to challenge the Democrats on it as demonstrated in the 2020 election.

What has happened in America will be forever remembered as the time when the United States of America became a failed state. 

Professional Golf; You have been Canceled

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I remember the first time I was introduced to the game of golf.  It was back in 1994 and my first set of clubs were a used set of Beryllium Cooper Dunlop blades.  Ever since, I have loved the game and have been a loyal follower of the Tour, be the regular tournaments, the Majors, or the Ryder and President’s Cup.

I was fortunate to have witnessed the “Golden Era” of Tiger Woods and how he changed the game, not only for us as fans, but for the Tour.  Tiger Woods made me want to watch and play a rather boring sport.

The PGA Tour has been a very entertaining endeavor until 2020.  In 2020, the PGA Tour made the decision to morph their entertainment business with politics.  Probably because they did not have the guts to stand to pressure groups or because they believed they owed something to society, only they know the real motives.

As a fan, it has been a very disappointing year and frankly I have not watched much of it.  Like the NBA, NFL, and other sports, the PGA Tour decided to become a social lecturer instead of doing what they did best, sell a great apolitical product.

Most Americans watch sports to get away from the realities of everyday life and this has been taken away for the sake of politics.  Like many people I know, I do not follow any of these sports and professional golf has been the latest sport entity to join the ranks. 

The PGA of America latest shenanigan was to cancel the 2022 PGA Championship at Trump National over the violence at the Capitol.  The PGA of America is blaming President Trump for the riots.  Are you serious?  What evidence does the PGA of America has President Trump was responsible for the mayhem that ensued at the Capitol?  I will give you the answer, none, because non exist.

The R&A also decided to join the nonsense by stating they will not use Ailsa Course at Trump Turnberry in Scotland.  Cheers!

Once again, the PGA of America, the PGA Tour, and the R&A, have jumped the gun and joined the crazy liberal mob, without information, without facts, and without thinking of the consequences their actions are going to bring to their wallets and audience.

Under these circumstances, I have decided to boycott the PGA of America, the PGA Tour, the USGA, and the R&A, The Golf Channel, and any television or radio transmission that has anything to do with professional or amateur golf.  Perhaps, one day, they will come to their senses and return to entertain instead of lecturing on social issues.  Until then, they will never get a rating or a dime from me, period.

Fortunately, I love the game and have a rather good game of my own.  So, why watch when I can play?  I thought golf was the last sport to stay away from politics and social nonsense, but I guess they were too weak and succumbed to a false sense of social pressure.  They should have stuck to supporting charities and stayed away from politics which they do not understand.

They decided to cancel me out as a fan, therefore I am canceling them.

From Constitutional Republic to Banana Republic

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The year 2020 was a year that will be remembered for many decades to come.  From a great economy, massive job growth, record setting stock markets, peace deals around the world, deregulation, and a positive outlook for the future of country.

Just few months into the year we were graced by unjustified riots and the politically motivated Covid-19.  Cities like Portland and Minneapolis went up in flames while law abiding citizens lived in fear and incompetent local governments allowed the mob to rule the streets while defunding police departments.

States and cities went on to shut down businesses, put people out of work, stifle free speech, and made criminals out of law-abiding citizens by enacting draconian rules and calling them laws.  Covid-19 became one of the biggest political footballs of 2020 with the quarterback Anthony Fauci in charge of the fear mongering campaign while controlling the false narrative playbook. 

With little facts behind it, states went on panic mode; mask mandates, social distancing, and many other weird and unfounded methods to stop the spread of a virus.  Of course, despite these crazy measures, the virus has continued to spread, and for all we know, it may become just a part of our lives like the seasonal flu.  Nothing more than an act by government to control and dictate how American’s ought to live their lives.

The government managed, in a few months, to strip American citizens of their dignity, independence, and self-worth, by creating a welfare state.  Paying healthy people to stay at home while bankrupting local businesses over a virus with a 97% rate of survival and little science to back it up.  Surprisingly, Americans have staked their future on the media instead of facts and common sense.  Nothing like getting your medical advice from Don Lemon or Chris Cuomo.

But the biggest whopper of 2020 was the Presidential Election.  I have never seen voter fraud of this magnitude since I cast my first vote in 1992.  I always read and hear of voter fraud at a smaller scale and credited antiquated systems for these flaws. 

In 2020, this voter fraud machine was well oiled and coordinated.  While Republicans were whining about frivolous stuff, the Democratic Party was concocting the biggest coup in American history via the ballot box, right under their noses.

State legislatures and Secretaries of State were cooking the rules months before the election, it was not a secret.  Obviously, the Republicans underestimated the will of the Democratic Party to steal this election and waited until after the election was stolen to complain and file lawsuits against unconstitutional measures.  The United States Supreme Court refused to hear these cases and rightly so, this issue is not a judicial one, but a legislative one.

We love to go around the world telling other countries how to conduct their business and how to conduct elections, but we cannot get our own straight.  Perhaps we should have employed the services of Jimmy Carter to monitor our election.  This has been an embarrassment of major proportions and the world is watching. 

Foreign governments understand the importance of American power, but also see what is going on and how the armor is cracking.  Meanwhile, China is on the sidelines, watching and planning, in the event the “American Empire” finally falls.

I had the opportunity to travel the world, and I never thought America would become one of those many third world countries I visited.  The things we have seen on television for the past year are things that I used to see reported in foreign countries. 

The United States is self-destructing, and I really do not know if there is a way to stop it.  Washington politicians are self-serving individuals and if they can cling to power, they could not care less about our well being as a country and as citizens.  The government thinks that by throwing money we do not have and creating a welfare state all problems will be solved.  This Republic was founded with the idea of small government, but since the sixties, the government has grown so much they believe they are the answer to all our problems.

What happened to American pride?  What happened to feeling productive?  What happened to American exceptionalism?

One thing I know, America has gone from a Constitutional Republic to a Banana Republic.

Masks are Bad for You and the Environment

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Before I get on the topic of masks, I am going to share the official word on masks from the Center for Disease Control 2018, Emerging Infectious Diseases report.

“Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks), are loose-fitting devices that were design to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patients wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids.  There is limited evidence for the effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure.  Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory confirmed influenza”.

There you have it, from the lead agency in the United States.  Do masks work?  You be the judge, but going with the “science”, as politicians wants us to believe, I am going to say the scientific evidence is nonexistent or sketchy at best.

According to the President’s team of Fauci and Birx, this is the deadliest thing we have seen since the 1908 pandemic, although the numbers seem to discredit such an outlandish claim. 

But let us talk about masks and the effect they are having on the environment, our communities, and public places. 

How is disposing masks by throwing them on the ground helping the environment?  It does not!   It is disgusting and nasty.

How does it help our communities?  It does not!  Who is going to pick up those possibly infected masks? 

How does it ensure public places are safe to the public?  It does not!  Nobody knows who was wearing those masks.  Were they infected? 

All this brings me to the most egregious issue regarding masks.  Why is it that the only item collecting air particles that could carry the Covid-19 virus can be disposed of as it were a piece of toilet paper?

If this is such a deadly virus, the government should have come up with some serious guidelines regarding the disposal of what, in my opinion, is biohazard material. 

As of today, I have not seen any regulations telling the American people how to dispose of masks.  What I have seen are masks laying on the ground, like some regular piece of trash. 

If you think a contaminated mask is normal trash, worthy of a parking spot at your local Walmart, you need your head examine.

Next time you think it is a good idea to throw your mask on the ground, remember you are possibly infecting the poor soul who is going to have to pick it up.

Why are we not treating these masks as biohazards?  The medical community and the government should be ashamed of themselves for not addressing such a potential health hazard that could pose a bigger threat than the virus itself.

Of Presidents and Debates

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After watching the Presidential Debate and the fiasco it became, I would like to tell President Trump the following.

The debates are clearly stacked against you.  No matter what, the moderators are not going to be fair, because let us be honest, they are not moderators but activists.

I would like to suggest a different approach, a different alternative to the debates.

I like to call it “A Chat with the American People”.  On the night of the debates, President Trump and the First Lady should address the nation for 90 minutes.  Talk to us about his accomplishments and what is next on a second term.  Meanwhile, Joe Biden can spend those 90 minutes with his activist moderators, with I would predict an exceptionally low audience.

The networks will be forced to choose which one to cover.  A boring low energy one-man debate or a national chat by the President of the United States delineating the future of the country?

As the sitting president, President Trump’s accomplishments and failures are public information.   He has nothing to prove, but everything to gain by talking straight to the American people.  Something he will not be able to do in a debate stage while getting peppered with ridiculous non sensical questions by an activist moderator and a Democrat presidential candidate who has not accomplished a thing during his 47-year career as a public servant.

I think the debates are a waste of time because they are not fair, they are left leaning, and one sided.   Chris Wallace was an embarrassment and he was the reason the debate was a total failure.   He can blame President Trump until his face turns purple, but the fact remains Wallace made himself the focus by answering the questions when Biden could not come up with a coherent answer. 

He denied President Trump the opportunity to respond and allowed Biden to call the President of the United States a “clown” on national television.  He allowed Biden to tell the President to “shut up”.  Chris Wallace was not moderating; he was a conspirator.

For the second debate we will have Steve Scully from C-SPAN and former Joe Biden intern.  Really?  Do you think he will be fair to the president?  I think not.

The third debate will be moderated by Kristen Welker, White House correspondent and NBC News anchor.  Have you seen those White House press conferences?  Enough said!

The bottom line is President Trump will not get a fair opportunity to send his message out during these debates and his only viable alternative is to take his message straight to the American people.

How better to accomplish this than by having a nice “Fireside Chat” with the American people from the people’s house.