Whopper of the Week; The Biden Anti “Wuhan/China Virus Terminology” Memo

Often times, when a politician reaches a position of power, he or she does not feel a responsibility, or a mandate, to serve the citizens or the country at large.  This is how Biden has been operating since been inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

In less than two weeks in power, Biden has issued a slew of draconian Executive Orders, breaking the record of all his predecessors dating back to G.W. Bush.  He has put our enemies interests first and has begun to take our economy back to the dismal Obama years. 

All while kissing up to China and Iran, putting American citizens in danger. 

With everything going on in our country, Biden believes that banning the use of the term “Wuhan or China Virus”, when talking about Covid-19, it is a priority. 

For a known and documented racist like Mr. Biden, it is laughable to read the main reason for this action is about quelling “Xenophobia”.

When dealing with Covid-19 concerns, he wants federal health bureaucrats to use a response that “demonstrates cultural competency, language access, and sensitivity towards AAPIs.”

What is he talking about? The last time I checked, the virus has affected Americans all of sorts of backgrounds.  Leave it to the Democrats to inject race in every aspect of our daily lives. 

I would like to know how this action helps the American people in dealing with the virus.  It does not! 

Covid-19 came from Wuhan, China, therefore it is the Wuhan Virus!