The Unremarkable Joe Biden

A Weak President on Times of Much Needed Strength

One of the first signs of being a weak leader is when such a leader goes overseas to air his or her country’s dirty laundry.

Obama did it when he went to the Middle East to bow to the Sheiks and apologize for America’s leadership throughout the world and now Joe Biden has done it again at the NATO summit.

Instead of talking about the issue at hand, the Russia/Ukraine conflict, these are some of the irrelevant gems this man shared with our NATO ally’s courtesy of the

  • President Biden said Monday that he’s assured NATO allies that the Republican party is “vastly diminished,” and they need not fear a repeat of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
  • “The Republican Party is vastly diminished in numbers, the leadership of the Republican Party is fractured, and the Trump wing of the party is the bulk of the party, but it makes up a significant minority of the American people,” 
  • Referring to January 6, he continued, “I think that they’ve seen things happen as we have that shocked and surprised them, but I think they believe, like I do, that the American people are not going to sustain that kind of behavior,” 
  • He called the Jan. 6 assault a “shock and surprise,” adding that the chaos stemmed from President Trump’s “phony populism.” He also took a swipe at Republican senators who resisted a bipartisan, independent commission to investigate the Capitol riot.
  • “It is disappointing that so many of my former colleagues in the Senate, who I know know better, have been reluctant to take on an investigation because they are worried about being primaried.”

This is what we have representing us on the world stage. An old buffoonish character who has no respect for our country and who goes around spreading lies to our allies about the state of our country’s politics.

The Republican Party is not “vastly diminished,” unless he means that as long as his party can steal elections they will never be in power.

Joe Biden has done such a dismal job on all fronts; the Republicans are bound to take the majorities on the House of Representatives and the Senate on the 2022 mid-term elections. Only Joe Biden believes in his dementia ridden world that he has done a great job.

He keeps running around with the January 6th narrative which most intelligent people understand it was done by a dedicated group of people, nothing more. Nobody involved in that riot killed anyone as Joe Biden told NATO today, that is a lie and a disgusting one at that.

The only innocent person killed on January 6th was Air Force veteran Ashley Babbitt by a Capitol Police officer.

Joe Biden not only embarrassed himself but embarrassed our country. He offered NATO nothing but a laundry list of lies and a bunch of crocodile tears. He cried to NATO about the Republicans and Donald Trump. I am sure NATO does not care about his own personal issues.

Perhaps Joe Biden is dealing with his own conscience, perhaps he knows he is a phoney and needs the reassurance from NATO that he is a great leader, but even NATO knows Joe Biden is not the right leader to lead and defeat Vladimir Putin.

What have we got from this meeting? Nothing that would benefit the American people. The only thing we got was the promise from Joe Biden to take 100,000 Ukrainian refugees.

We do not need more refugees while American citizens are going hungry and homeless. With a 7% rate of inflation, and gas prices through the roof, the United States cannot absorb more refugees in addition to the thousands of illegal aliens crossing our southern border.

He also stated an investment of over $320 million, tax payers, dollars in “democracy” and “human rights” funding in Ukraine and neighboring countries. Is this guy serious? Ukraine does not believe in human rights or democracy. Zelenski is an autocrat, but of course, he is Biden’s buddy.

Only two years ago the American media portrayed Ukraine as a corrupt, totalitarian, and untrustworthy country, but today Ukraine is a bastion of democracy. Sounds like a bad joke written by the comedian Zelenski himself.

Joe Biden is weak, and the media continues with their attempts to cover up his weakness.

Fortunately, the American people knows better.

Don’t Believe the Hype; Ukraine is Not a Democracy

Ukraine Central Government Behaving Undemocratically

The European Union and the United States wants you to believe the Ukrainian cause is a just cause and we should invest all our resources and military might into it.

The problem, and the reality is, the Ukrainian government is everything but a democratic government.

Would a democratic government remove all their party opposition from the government as Zelensky has done with opposition parties in his country?

Would a democratic government take full control of the media narrative by creating a single television channel and dismissing every other outlet?

The answer to both questions is, no.  Imagine if Joe Biden dismissed the whole Republican Party from Congress and took control of all television and radio outlets in our country. That would be considered undemocratic and dictatorial in nature.

This is exactly what the comedian Zelensky is doing in the Ukraine and western media outlets are refusing to report it.

Zelenski has moved to suspend most of the opposition parties, which includes the parliament’s second largest group, Opposition Platform – For Life, creating a de facto one-man government.

Why would the president of a ‘democratic’ government ban his opposition from government? He says because they have possible links to Russia. Is he joking? Many Ukrainians have links to Russia that doesn’t mean they approve of Russian or Ukrainian actions.

This is a totalitarian move and contrary to western values of governance. This is the type of one-party rule system you see in communist countries like China. This is wrong and we should not be supporting a government that dismisses opposition voices based on ‘hunches.’

“Any activity politicians aimed at division and collaboration won’t be successful, but will instead be faced with a harsh response.” According to Zelensky if anybody goes against his narrative they will face consequences.

Imagine if a sitting United States president would make such a statement against members of the minority party. Folks, this is not what we stand for and we should not be supporting any type of government who thinks totalitarianism is a legitimate form of government.

His move to take full control of the media to shape his own narrative is dangerous and it should be condemned by the western media, unfortunately it won’t.

We need both sides of the conflict to be reported fairly and accurately. Anything else is nothing more than misinformation and propaganda.

In the meantime, Joe Biden goes on national television and call Putin names, like a little kid, instead of trying to find a solution to a conflict he helped create, first in 2014 and now with his bellicose rhetoric.  

Biden’s press secretary refuses to answer real questions while telling the American people we need to help the people of Ukraine. The media outlets in the United States, both liberal and conservative ones, continue to report what they wish you to know while omitting how and why we got here in the first place.

Ukraine may be the ‘Flavor of the Month’, but is definitely not a democracy and it will never be.

Polls and the Nuclear Question

Stupidity or Ignorance?

Largest warheads arsenal in the world. You do the math. Photo courtesy of

A Pew research poll found that approximately 50% of Americans polled consider the Russian-Ukrainian conflict a direct threat to the United States. More than a third of Americans would support the use of the American military, even at the risk of a full-on nuclear war with Russia.

According to the poll, Republicans and Democrats evenly share this view alike. Keep in mind, these are the same polls who gave Hillary Clinton an outright victory in the 2016 election by 5:00 p.m. on election night.

Pew claims 62% of Americans say they would oppose “taking military action even if it risks a nuclear conflict with Russia”, however 35% said they would support military action. According to Pew, the results were almost evenly split between Democrats and Republicans with 36% Republicans and 35% Democrats willing to risk nuclear war over Ukraine.

I am not one of those in favor of going to war with Russia over Ukraine. I do not look at this thing with a bleeding heart, but with logical and rational thoughts.

I don’t know these ‘Americans’ who think a full-scale nuclear war with a country who has the largest arsenal of nuclear warheads in the world is a smart idea. I will have to think this poll is a made-up poll or those polled are either ignorant or stupid.

A nuclear conflict over Ukraine is not worth one American life, we do not owe Ukraine anything. Ukraine is not a NATO member and holds zero strategic value to the United States.

I understand Joe Biden does owe Ukraine a lot. After all, it was the Ukrainian government who intervened on behalf of then Vice-President, Joe Biden, to put a stop to an investigation into his son Hunter Biden’s dealings in Ukraine.

The Biden’s have been involved in business dealings with Ukraine since 2014, mostly Hunter Biden and Ukrainian holdings company Burisma.

In 2016, amid an investigation, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of U.S. aid to Ukraine unless Viktor Shokin, the country’s top prosecutor was fired. He was allegedly ‘soft’ on corruption and Joe Biden was tasked to clean up corruption in Ukraine by then President Obama.

Shokin was not soft on corruption, Shokin was investigating Hunter Biden and his shady dealings with Burisma. You can think whatever you want to think, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

Folks, Joe Biden owes Ukraine big time, but we do not. This is Joe Biden’s personal mess and now he wants the United States to pay the price for his son’s mistakes by drawing the United States into a conflict in which we have no business getting into.

Zelenski goes in front of our Congress making foolish suggestions that perhaps we are already in a Third World War and we are not doing enough to help him. I assumed, since he was a comedian, this was a joke, unfortunately the joke was on us.

Furthermore, he compares the situation in his country to Pearl Harbor and September 11. No wonder this failed comedian was the perfect fit to become a United States puppet, he is as unstable and irrational as Joe Biden.

This is an obvious attempt by Zelenski to draw us into a conflict that will not end well for the United States.

By suggesting a “No Fly Zone” he knows that we would have to shoot down Russian jets and therefore we will be at a state of war with Russia. Even NATO understands the risk of such action and it is vehemently opposed to it. Our government should do the same.

To think that a third of Americans are willing to risk a nuclear conflict over Ukraine is disheartening and frightening. The consequences of a nuclear war with Russia, and the catastrophic effects on the rest of the world are unthinkable, and to advocate for it, unconscionable.

Banging The Drums of War

Media Blackout and Misinformation Propaganda

Because you are too stupid to choose. So much for freedom of speech.

I guess now we are supposed to get our news from American “state media only” because the government doesn’t want us to see the other side.

Until this morning, Direct TV was carrying RT America and now is gone. This isn’t right and it goes against everything we stand as a country and a society.

Most Americans are smart enough to understand the information, and when we are at the verge of a third world war, we deserve to have both sides of the story.

As a combat veteran, I refuse to be bamboozled by misinformation because our government wants to to go to war for a country who has nothing in common with our country or our values. Other than its strategic value, the United States and Europe could care less about Ukraine or its people.

Since 2014, Ukrainian forces have been bombing and killing innocent civilians in the Donbass region, but nobody has condemned those actions. Aren’t those crimes against humanity? Ignorance is the worst enemy of reason.

I have been to war and is not a pretty sight. This is about the information and the free flow of it. The American people deserves to have access to all the information available and not dependent on state run outlets and one sided stories.

We saw that before when Collin Powell went to the United Nations and lied about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction. We were bogged down in the Middle East for over 20 years. We don’t need that and we deserve to have the facts before sending aid and United States assets to fight another country’s war.

This is not Iraq or Afghanistan. Russia is the biggest country in Europe with a capable military and a nuclear arsenal. Are you willing to send your children to fight in a conflict that has nothing to do with the interest of the United States?

After all, the United States contributed to this mess, first in the 2014 Ukrainian coup and now by suggesting NATO expansion to Russian borders.

From Facebook to Twitter to YouTube, they all have censored all types of news coming from Russia. This media blackout only hurts us, the American people. Freedom to access information should not be delegated to media magnates and government entities.

Imagine if the American people would have been kept in the dark during WWII.

Russian actions need to be dealt with, but our government doesn’t have the right to deprive us of the information. We deserve the truth before sending our children to die in foreign wars.

Like Mexican President Lopez Obrador stated, “I don’t agree with the fact that media from Russia or any other country is censored.” I agree 100%.

The War Between Russia and Ukraine is Joe Biden’s and NATO’s Fault

This is what Ukraine got from NATO’s and Joe Biden’s bellicosity. Empty rhetoric!

For decades, the United States and its NATO allies have been wanting to add Ukraine to the alliance in an effort to corner Russia. This is not new, and it has been in play even when Joe Biden was Obama’s vice president.

From the 2014 coup, which got rid of the duly elected president with the assistance of the United States, to Joe Biden’s business dealing with Ukraine as vice president, Ukraine has been a drug the United States has refused to quit.

Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. If Ukraine were not important, the Biden administration would have never brought back Victoria Nuland, one of the main architects of the 2014 coup which installed a puppet anti-Russian president.

The Ukrainian conflict was a mess created by the United States and it continues to be a mess today. The Biden administration and NATO have been promoting the idea of NATO expansion next to Russia’s borders and Putin was not going to go along with that idea.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been warning the west not to press for NATO expansion, but the west did not want to listen, so he made the first move.

How would the United States react if Russia wanted to station troops in Mexico and Canada? Exactly!

The United States and NATO allies’ insistence of expanding into Russian borders has caused this crisis. For weeks, Ukrainian President Zelenski has been downplaying all the NATO talk, but Joe Biden and the rest of the NATO cronies have been poking the bear.

Now that Putin made the move, NATO is nowhere to be found and they will not intervene. Ukraine is on its own.

That is the meat and potatoes of this problem, and it could have been avoided if the Biden administration were not pushing for a phony war to hide their own domestic failures.

CBS News can falsely blame the domestic problems of high gasoline prices and inflation to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, but Americans know this is not true. The Biden administration is pushing for war because that is the only way they can shift attention from their failed policies.

Sure, Biden imposed economic sanctions on a few rich oligarchs, but the guy who matters the most, Putin, he did not have the guts to do a thing against him. Perhaps Putin does have something on the Biden clan.

Joe Biden does not care about the American people or the consequences of his irresponsible behavior. Americans will be paying more at the pump, and with oil selling at a record high since 2014, everything from produce to toilet tissue will become more expensive.

Like it or not, diesel and gasoline vehicles continue to deliver these goods, and when truckers have to pay more for gas and diesel, the more it costs to move the inventory. If you think you Biden is going to soften the blow for you, well, you have not been paying attention.

Joe Biden is going to have to decide between the Green New Deal or renew our energy independence. Otherwise, we will not have the energy supply necessary for our day to day needs without having to bend the knee to OPEC, China, and other energy independent countries. So much for a so-called ‘superpower.’

Joe Biden says sanctioning Russia is going to also hurt us. Sure, is going to hurt the middle class and the poor, not the Washington elites who want this conflict to go on. While you are suffering, Nancy Pelosi and the McConnell’s of the world will be making big money at your expense.

But don’t worry folks, Joe Biden already stated he is willing to take Ukrainian refugees. I am sure that will ease your economic pains.