Don’t Believe the Hype; Ukraine is Not a Democracy

Ukraine Central Government Behaving Undemocratically

The European Union and the United States wants you to believe the Ukrainian cause is a just cause and we should invest all our resources and military might into it.

The problem, and the reality is, the Ukrainian government is everything but a democratic government.

Would a democratic government remove all their party opposition from the government as Zelensky has done with opposition parties in his country?

Would a democratic government take full control of the media narrative by creating a single television channel and dismissing every other outlet?

The answer to both questions is, no.  Imagine if Joe Biden dismissed the whole Republican Party from Congress and took control of all television and radio outlets in our country. That would be considered undemocratic and dictatorial in nature.

This is exactly what the comedian Zelensky is doing in the Ukraine and western media outlets are refusing to report it.

Zelenski has moved to suspend most of the opposition parties, which includes the parliament’s second largest group, Opposition Platform – For Life, creating a de facto one-man government.

Why would the president of a ‘democratic’ government ban his opposition from government? He says because they have possible links to Russia. Is he joking? Many Ukrainians have links to Russia that doesn’t mean they approve of Russian or Ukrainian actions.

This is a totalitarian move and contrary to western values of governance. This is the type of one-party rule system you see in communist countries like China. This is wrong and we should not be supporting a government that dismisses opposition voices based on ‘hunches.’

“Any activity politicians aimed at division and collaboration won’t be successful, but will instead be faced with a harsh response.” According to Zelensky if anybody goes against his narrative they will face consequences.

Imagine if a sitting United States president would make such a statement against members of the minority party. Folks, this is not what we stand for and we should not be supporting any type of government who thinks totalitarianism is a legitimate form of government.

His move to take full control of the media to shape his own narrative is dangerous and it should be condemned by the western media, unfortunately it won’t.

We need both sides of the conflict to be reported fairly and accurately. Anything else is nothing more than misinformation and propaganda.

In the meantime, Joe Biden goes on national television and call Putin names, like a little kid, instead of trying to find a solution to a conflict he helped create, first in 2014 and now with his bellicose rhetoric.  

Biden’s press secretary refuses to answer real questions while telling the American people we need to help the people of Ukraine. The media outlets in the United States, both liberal and conservative ones, continue to report what they wish you to know while omitting how and why we got here in the first place.

Ukraine may be the ‘Flavor of the Month’, but is definitely not a democracy and it will never be.