Stupidity or Ignorance?

A Pew research poll found that approximately 50% of Americans polled consider the Russian-Ukrainian conflict a direct threat to the United States. More than a third of Americans would support the use of the American military, even at the risk of a full-on nuclear war with Russia.
According to the poll, Republicans and Democrats evenly share this view alike. Keep in mind, these are the same polls who gave Hillary Clinton an outright victory in the 2016 election by 5:00 p.m. on election night.
Pew claims 62% of Americans say they would oppose “taking military action even if it risks a nuclear conflict with Russia”, however 35% said they would support military action. According to Pew, the results were almost evenly split between Democrats and Republicans with 36% Republicans and 35% Democrats willing to risk nuclear war over Ukraine.
I am not one of those in favor of going to war with Russia over Ukraine. I do not look at this thing with a bleeding heart, but with logical and rational thoughts.
I don’t know these ‘Americans’ who think a full-scale nuclear war with a country who has the largest arsenal of nuclear warheads in the world is a smart idea. I will have to think this poll is a made-up poll or those polled are either ignorant or stupid.
A nuclear conflict over Ukraine is not worth one American life, we do not owe Ukraine anything. Ukraine is not a NATO member and holds zero strategic value to the United States.
I understand Joe Biden does owe Ukraine a lot. After all, it was the Ukrainian government who intervened on behalf of then Vice-President, Joe Biden, to put a stop to an investigation into his son Hunter Biden’s dealings in Ukraine.
The Biden’s have been involved in business dealings with Ukraine since 2014, mostly Hunter Biden and Ukrainian holdings company Burisma.
In 2016, amid an investigation, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of U.S. aid to Ukraine unless Viktor Shokin, the country’s top prosecutor was fired. He was allegedly ‘soft’ on corruption and Joe Biden was tasked to clean up corruption in Ukraine by then President Obama.
Shokin was not soft on corruption, Shokin was investigating Hunter Biden and his shady dealings with Burisma. You can think whatever you want to think, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck.
Folks, Joe Biden owes Ukraine big time, but we do not. This is Joe Biden’s personal mess and now he wants the United States to pay the price for his son’s mistakes by drawing the United States into a conflict in which we have no business getting into.
Zelenski goes in front of our Congress making foolish suggestions that perhaps we are already in a Third World War and we are not doing enough to help him. I assumed, since he was a comedian, this was a joke, unfortunately the joke was on us.
Furthermore, he compares the situation in his country to Pearl Harbor and September 11. No wonder this failed comedian was the perfect fit to become a United States puppet, he is as unstable and irrational as Joe Biden.
This is an obvious attempt by Zelenski to draw us into a conflict that will not end well for the United States.
By suggesting a “No Fly Zone” he knows that we would have to shoot down Russian jets and therefore we will be at a state of war with Russia. Even NATO understands the risk of such action and it is vehemently opposed to it. Our government should do the same.
To think that a third of Americans are willing to risk a nuclear conflict over Ukraine is disheartening and frightening. The consequences of a nuclear war with Russia, and the catastrophic effects on the rest of the world are unthinkable, and to advocate for it, unconscionable.