When I served in the military, from 1988 to 1992, we had two major conflicts, Just Cause and the Persian Gulf War. On both occasions we were victorious and successful accomplishing the mission at hand.
Move forward to the George W. Bush administration and the so called “War on Terror”. Our military has been bogged down in Afghanistan for 21 years with little to show for. Of course, unless you consider protecting drug lords, warlords, and Opium fields a worthy endeavor.
In 2008 Barack Obama became President and the military became a political tool for social engineering. During the 8 years of the Obama administration the United States military was weaken, embarrassed, poorly trained, and ill equipped. They cared more about gays in the military and transgenderism while completely neglecting our military readiness.
The world laughed while our sailors were taken hostage by the Iranian Navy and the United States did nothing to stop it. It was a very dark time in the history for the strongest military force in the world.
Thankfully, in 2016, President Donald J. Trump got elected to office and he restored our military to a place of leadership. We were, once again, respected and feared by our adversaries. Our military got the resources they needed to deal with the global threats, and despite the fact we had some weak leaders, our military was strong and well equipped.
I guess all good things come to an end. In 2020, Joe Biden got elected to office and with him the end of our military might.
Since Biden got into office the military has, once again, become a social experiment. From taxpayer funded transition surgery and therapy for transgenders to Critical Race Theory garbage. Meanwhile, Russia and China continue to operate right under our noses while devaluing our currency and hacking our infrastructure.
Our military has not only become a social experiment under Biden but is fixing to become a laboratory experiment. Secretary Austin issued a memorandum to all DOD employees, including uniform personnel, ordering mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations by September 15th or face penalties. For an “all-volunteer” fighting force, this comes right out of the Little Red Book or the Communist Manifesto.
Before I got deployed to the Persian Gulf, I was injected with many things, and I didn’t know what they were. But I wasn’t told to get them, nor ordered. I could have declined, and nothing would have happened. Today, our members in the military have been ordered to put their own lives on the line or else.
This is no different than telling someone they have two choices, either jump off the cliff or take a bullet to the head.
At this very moment, members of the military are consulting with lawyers and rightly so. Nobody should be ordered to put anything in their bodies without their consent. What happened to the liberal mantra “My Body, my Choice”?
This action by the President and the Secretary of Defense only weakens our readiness. Sure, a unit may be out for a couple of weeks if infected, but that’s pretty much the extent of it. On the other hand, a soldier can die from these untested vaccines and the families have zero recourse. Thanks to the Trump administration these pharmaceuticals are immune from prosecution and lawsuits.
I think under these new set of circumstances, I believe members of the military should apply for exemptions, either medical or administrative. Flood the system with bureaucracy and they may rethink their approach.
With all this turmoil and social experimentation in our military, frankly, I am surprised Canada hasn’t invaded us yet.