The Irrelevancy Continues…

I have not watched The Oscars in probably a decade. Ever since the Hollywood ‘Woke’ movement decided to quit making entertaining films, instead becoming a fifth column for social decay and moral lecturing, my interest, along with millions of Americans have been one of tuning to something else.
The road to the 2022 Oscars was a rocky one. First, actor Sean Penn, our man in Ukraine, demanded the Academy Awards allowed Ukrainian comedian Zelenski to speak remotely at the Oscars. He threatened to smelt his two best actor Oscars, in public, if the Academy didn’t allowed the comedian to speak.
Sean Penn is a self absorbed buffoon, let us see if he goes through with it, but I highly doubt it. These Hollywood types have lived the lives of so many people other than their own, they have difficulty adjusting to the real world and they think the are living in a perpetual role.
I understand The Oscars is a failed business and they need to do anything possible to garner some attention, but using Will Smith and Chris Rock to do so was such a cheap shot.
The ‘Slap Heard Around the World’ became the #1 media story, even sending the Ukraine conflict into temporary obscurity.
Without going into full details, host Chris Rock made a joke about Will Smith’s wife, when Smith made his way up to receive his Best Oscar award for his portrayal of infamous tennis coach, and father of the Williams sisters, Richard Williams, he slapped Chris Rock in the face and went on an irrational tirade.
The next day it became the story and all the usual media suspects began their guessing games developing their own story lines.
If you believe what happened between Rock and Smith was an spontaneous act, then you have been living in a make believe world yourself.
The Oscars have been a failed product for quite some time. Most people have quit watching and the Academy needed something to spark renewed interest.
In my opinion, after watching the incident, this was staged by the Academy in an effort to bring relevancy to a show not many people care to watch.
The way Smith slapped Rock was laughable and Rock’s reaction even more so. I love my wife to death, and if someone would say something offensive about my wife, my reaction won’t be one of a ‘bitch slapping’, they won’t be able to get up, period.
I was surprised the Academy would use Will Smith as their pawn. After all, Smith lives a pretty private, and for the most part, scandal free life. It was hard to watch the “Fresh Prince” acting like the ‘angry black man’ on stage.
But it seems Hollywood loves to trash every Black role model available. If you watch black oriented television shows, 99% of them portrait black people as drug dealers, killers, gang bangers, pimps, etc.
The days of the Cosby Show, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, 227, Sanford & Son, Amen, and Rock, to name a few, are long gone and Hollywood should be ashamed of themselves and black people even more so for allowing it to happen.
I knew Hollywood and the Academy were a sick and shameless group of people, but this was as, Will Smith would say, a slapped in the face, “Big Willie Style.”