Welcome Joe Biden: The Newly Minted World Dictator

“Xi, you were right, this tyrant thing is pretty nice, cheers my friend” Photo courtesy of clarion.causeaction.com

It is official, the United States is no longer a Constitutional Republic.  The Constitution doesn’t mean a thing, and our rights are no longer guaranteed. 

Joe Biden has taken upon himself to order Americans to get vaccinated or risk losing your job, your access to doctors, and perhaps even your personal freedoms. 

Of course, everyone with a brain and understanding of our system of government knows Joe Biden does not have the constitutional authority to mandate any American to do anything they don’t want to do. 

Joe Biden doesn’t care about the Constitution and has chosen to become a petty Banana Republic dictator.  Mandating Americans to get vaccinated or else is the kind of thing you expect in countries like China, Iran, Russia, and other countries where human rights are nonexistent.

Biden is using government bureaucracies such as the Department of Labor to ensure Americans in the workplace are fully vaccinated. 

According to Biden, The Department of Labor is to develop an “emergency rule” that would require companies with 100 employees or more to get vaccinated or receive negative weekly Covid tests.

I’m guessing he will send Special Agents from the Department of Labor to shutdown businesses who are not in compliance. 

The “newly minted dictator” claims, “Is not about freedom or choice”.  He claims it is about “protecting yourself and those around you”. I guess he thinks Americans are too stupid to handle their own decisions regarding their healthcare, among other things.

Joe Biden wishes to ignore the fact the United States and our values are forged in the idea of freedom and choice.

This mandate is going to affect approximately 100 million Americans and those working for the Federal government are not going to be able to opt for a test.  If you are a federal worker, vaccinate or else. 

In addition, anybody doing business with the federal government will be required to be vaccinated.  He bragged about ordering facilities treating patients on Medicare or Medicaid to be fully vaccinated.

In the words of the “newly minted dictator”, “If you want to work with the federal government, you must be vaccinated.  If you want to do business with the government, you must vaccinate your workforce”. 

He also went on to talk about doubling fines for airline passengers who refuse to wear masks.  Because the airline industry needs additional help bankrupting themselves.

Of course, he wants to dismiss the 10th Amendment by intimidating State governors into mandating vaccinations for teachers.  As Biden said in a Tweet on September 9th, “If they will not help us beat the pandemic, I will use my powers as president to get them out of the way”.

What exactly does he mean?  Is he going to send Federal agents to Governor’s mansions and have them arrested? 

He claims all these new mandates are designed to keep the economy strong and ensure school safety.   

Well, our economy is not strong and school districts can make their own assessments on how to proceed.  They don’t need the federal government sticking their nose in local decisions.

The “newly minted dictator” is delusional, but more importantly, dangerous.

Clown of the Week: Golf Channel’s Rich Lerner

Clown of the Week: Golf Channel’s Commentator Rich Lerner

Rich Lerner has earned the Clown of the Week award for questioning professional golfer Bryson DeChambeau’s stance on the Covid-19 vaccines.

Mr. Lerner was absolutely wrong in suggesting fans were against DeChambeau because of his thoughts about the Covid-19 vaccines and his decision not to take it until further testing were conducted. Mr. Lerner alluded to this during the broadcast of the BMW Championship final round.

As a matter of fact, DeChambeau is not the only American who feels this way. Many Americans have decided not to indulge on a vaccine which has not been properly tested. Perhaps Mr. Lerner should hangout a bit more with real Americans instead of elite athletes and Hollywood types.

You can read more on DeChambeau’s position and his statement on this article by Townhall.


Are Americans that Stupid? The CDC Seems to Think So

This is what the CDC seems to think America……

Leave it to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to come up with the most outlandish, ridiculous, and nonsensical, solutions to non-existing problems.

As reported by One America News Network, the CDC has released a new set of “language” guidelines under the excuse of more “inclusive language”.  Whatever that means in the fantasy world of the CDC, only God knows.

Of course, they are claiming these are “preferred terms” and in no way, shape, or form mandatory.  This is the same agency who took it upon itself to cancel rent and evictions under the cloud of Covid-19 without congressional approval.

These are some of the few “preferred terms” as suggested by the CDC.  Instead of:

  • Inmates- Persons who are detained
  • Alcoholics- Persons with alcohol use disorder
  • Drug User- Person who inject drugs

Are these people serious?  These people sound like morons!  But this is not all, let’s continue.

The CDC is suggesting that “language in communication products should reflect and speak to the needs of people in the audience of focus”.  Exactly, utter nonsense and a mix salad of useless words.

This is one of my favorite suggestions.  They argue those who identify as genetically male or female, should be assigned or designated as male or female “at birth”.  Excuse me, there’s no other designations.  One is either born as a male or a female, not and “it” or something in between.

Folks, this is insanity.  Basically, the CDC thinks you are too stupid to understand what an inmate, and alcoholic, or a drug user means, or better yet, you don’t know the difference between a male and a female.

This is what the Biden Administration worries about folks, absolute stupidity.

Meanwhile U.S. Servicemembers have been slaughtered in Afghanistan, thousands of unvetted Afghans are been relocated to the United States, and American citizens have been left behind enemy lines.

Reading this at face value you would think our government is just a big joke.  Perhaps it is a joke, a bad joke.

The Decline of the American Military; the Legacy of Joe Biden and Covid-19

Unfortunately, this is not a laughing matter….

When I served in the military, from 1988 to 1992, we had two major conflicts, Just Cause and the Persian Gulf War.  On both occasions we were victorious and successful accomplishing the mission at hand.

Move forward to the George W. Bush administration and the so called “War on Terror”.  Our military has been bogged down in Afghanistan for 21 years with little to show for.  Of course, unless you consider protecting drug lords, warlords, and Opium fields a worthy endeavor. 

In 2008 Barack Obama became President and the military became a political tool for social engineering.  During the 8 years of the Obama administration the United States military was weaken, embarrassed, poorly trained, and ill equipped.   They cared more about gays in the military and transgenderism while completely neglecting our military readiness.

The world laughed while our sailors were taken hostage by the Iranian Navy and the United States did nothing to stop it.  It was a very dark time in the history for the strongest military force in the world.

Thankfully, in 2016, President Donald J. Trump got elected to office and he restored our military to a place of leadership.  We were, once again, respected and feared by our adversaries.  Our military got the resources they needed to deal with the global threats, and despite the fact we had some weak leaders, our military was strong and well equipped.

I guess all good things come to an end.  In 2020, Joe Biden got elected to office and with him the end of our military might.

Since Biden got into office the military has, once again, become a social experiment.  From taxpayer funded transition surgery and therapy for transgenders to Critical Race Theory garbage.  Meanwhile, Russia and China continue to operate right under our noses while devaluing our currency and hacking our infrastructure.

Our military has not only become a social experiment under Biden but is fixing to become a laboratory experiment.   Secretary Austin issued a memorandum to all DOD employees, including uniform personnel, ordering mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations by September 15th or face penalties.   For an “all-volunteer” fighting force, this comes right out of the Little Red Book or the Communist Manifesto.

Before I got deployed to the Persian Gulf, I was injected with many things, and I didn’t know what they were.  But I wasn’t told to get them, nor ordered.  I could have declined, and nothing would have happened.  Today, our members in the military have been ordered to put their own lives on the line or else.

This is no different than telling someone they have two choices, either jump off the cliff or take a bullet to the head. 

At this very moment, members of the military are consulting with lawyers and rightly so.  Nobody should be ordered to put anything in their bodies without their consent.  What happened to the liberal mantra “My Body, my Choice”?

This action by the President and the Secretary of Defense only weakens our readiness.  Sure, a unit may be out for a couple of weeks if infected, but that’s pretty much the extent of it.  On the other hand, a soldier can die from these untested vaccines and the families have zero recourse.  Thanks to the Trump administration these pharmaceuticals are immune from prosecution and lawsuits.

I think under these new set of circumstances, I believe members of the military should apply for exemptions, either medical or administrative.   Flood the system with bureaucracy and they may rethink their approach.


With all this turmoil and social experimentation in our military, frankly, I am surprised Canada hasn’t invaded us yet.

Whopper of the Week; The Biden Anti “Wuhan/China Virus Terminology” Memo

Often times, when a politician reaches a position of power, he or she does not feel a responsibility, or a mandate, to serve the citizens or the country at large.  This is how Biden has been operating since been inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

In less than two weeks in power, Biden has issued a slew of draconian Executive Orders, breaking the record of all his predecessors dating back to G.W. Bush.  He has put our enemies interests first and has begun to take our economy back to the dismal Obama years. 

All while kissing up to China and Iran, putting American citizens in danger. 

With everything going on in our country, Biden believes that banning the use of the term “Wuhan or China Virus”, when talking about Covid-19, it is a priority. 

For a known and documented racist like Mr. Biden, it is laughable to read the main reason for this action is about quelling “Xenophobia”.

When dealing with Covid-19 concerns, he wants federal health bureaucrats to use a response that “demonstrates cultural competency, language access, and sensitivity towards AAPIs.”

What is he talking about? The last time I checked, the virus has affected Americans all of sorts of backgrounds.  Leave it to the Democrats to inject race in every aspect of our daily lives. 

I would like to know how this action helps the American people in dealing with the virus.  It does not! 

Covid-19 came from Wuhan, China, therefore it is the Wuhan Virus!